ramda - Functional programming library for JS.
partial.lenses - high-performance optics library.
fp-ts - Functional programming in TypeScript.
monocle-ts - Functional TypeScript optics.
discovery.js - Analyse json to visible and readable output.
barba.js - transitions between your website's pages.
anime - js animations engine.
mojs - motion graphics toolbelt.
mobx - state management on observables.
typed-contracts - validation with good Flow and TypeScript type inference.
mobx-state-tree - realtime types for mobx.
react-spring - spring-physics based animation library.
react-query - fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data.
swr - library for remote data fetching.
fabric.js - easy to work with HTML5 canvas element.
matter-js - 2D rigid body physics engine.
2D physics engine tutorial - 2D physics engine from scratch in Javascript.
wavetable oscillator - wavetable oscillator tutorial.
wavetable synthesis - wavetable synthesis algorithm description.
web-midi - interact with MIDI instruments directly from a web browser.
AudioWorklet examples - Code examples and resources for AudioWorklet.
Web Audio effects - Custom Web audio effects examples.
ngraph.path - Path finding in a graph.
pixi.js - The HTML5 Creation Engine most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
phaser - 2D game framework for making HTML5 games.
fast-check - Property based testing framework for JavaScript/TypeScript.
jsverify - Property-based checking. Like Quickcheck in haskell.
husky - husky can prevent bad git commit, git push and more by Git hooks.
lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
bundlesize - tool for bundle size autocheck.
clooney - simple webworkers.
arui-feather - alfa bank ui kit (RU).
node-fibers[NODEONLY] - a powerful tool which expose an API to jump between multiple call stacks from within a single thread.
$mol_fiber - Pausable synchronous executions. Frees main thread every 8ms and continues fiber in next animation frame.
frontend-dev-bookmarks - collection of resources for frontend.
pure-css - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.