A little project that I made utilizing the portability and the small screen of M5StickC. Basically I create a portable gacha simulator for a little unpopular game called Fate Grand Order
M5Stick-C is a microcontroller based on ESP32 chip. Its small form factor fitted with a color LCD makes it great for wearables (though the battery isn't so great) or a small IoT device. But because I'm a degenerate, I'm not going to use it for that
Fate Grand Order is rather infamous a pokemon collection type thingy game where instead of collecting Pikachus, you collect Joan D'Arc, Evil Joan D'Arc, and elementary grade Evil Joanne D'Arc on a santa costume. Just play it, it will worth your while
To get those Jeanne D'Arc, you need to roll a die, and getting the best characters chance is 1%. A roll is about $3. Yes, you heard me correctly.
Each time you click the M5StickC button, it creates a random number, and your roll result will show on the screen based on what you get