Marvelously is an app designed for users to choose a comic or movie based on their preferences. A user can sort by movies or comics, search for a keyword, or sort by categories in order to choose; they can also view more information about each item to make an educated decision.
- Favorite your own card and save it to local storage
- Filter Favorites/Movies/Comics
- Search for Characters, Directors, Titles, Writers, Stars etc...
- Multiple options to sort Movies/Comics
- Show more information for each individual item
- clone the repo to your local machine
- run npm install
- run npm start to start the server
- open your favorite browser to localhost:3000 (unless your terminal says otherwise)
- search away!
- React
- Scss
- Tested with Jest/Enzyme
The primary goals of this project were for the developer to learn how do API fetches, how to use React, when to use a functional versus a class component, how to return/render JSX, conditional rendering, the relationship between parent and child components, and component heirarchy. Other objectives were for the developer to learn how to write Scss and optional ways to structure files for components.
- Hannah Hyde (
- Nim Garcia (
- Raechel Odom (
- Max Silver (