Unofficial Vjudge api library for nodejs.
$ npm install vjudge-api
var Vjudge = require('vjudge-api');
import Vjudge from 'vjudge-api';
Here's some api level functionalities with example.
Returns all the verdict expressions used in Vjudge.
console.log( Vjudge.verdicts() );
// result
// "All": 0,
// "Accepted": 1,
// "Presentation Error": 2,
// "Wrong Answer": 3,
// "Time Limit Exceed": 4,
// "Memory Limit Exceed": 5,
// "Output Limit Exceed": 6,
// "Runtime Error": 7,
// "Compile Error": 8,
// "Unknown Error": 9,
// "Submit Error": 10,
// "Queuing && Judging": 11
Returns all the Online Judges supported by Vjudge system along with their language supports(in json format). It's an asyncronus function.
Vjudge.remote_ojs().then(result => console.log(result)).catch(err => console.error(err));
// result
// SGU: { name: 'SGU', languages: {} },
// FZU: {
// name: 'FZU',
// languages: {
// '0': 'GNU C++',
// '1': 'GNU C',
// '2': 'Pascal',
// '3': 'Java',
// '4': 'Visual C++',
// '5': 'Visual C'
// }
// },
// UVA: {
// name: 'UVA',
// languages: {
// '1': 'ANSI C 5.3.0',
// '2': 'JAVA 1.8.0',
// '3': 'C++ 5.3.0',
// '4': 'PASCAL 3.0.0',
// '5': 'C++11 5.3.0',
// '6': 'PYTH3 3.5.1'
// }
// },
// // Tons of other informations like this :3
Returns all the accepted and failed solution records for one user (problem-numbers along with online judges). It's an asyncronus function.
const options = {
un: "rahathossain690"
Vjudge.solve_count(options).then(result => console.log(result)).catch(err => console.error(err));
// result
// acRecords: {
// AtCoder: [ 'abc084_d', 'arc099_a', 'soundhound2018_summer_qual_b' ],
// CodeChef: [ 'PRGIFT', 'DRAGNXOR' ],
// CodeForces: [
// '58A', '21C', '66B', '66D',
// '80A', '47A', '47B', '68A',
// '68B', '11A', '50B', '131C',
// '137A', '159A', '200B', '84B',
// '289A', '315A', '376A', '379A',
// '471A', '293A', '147A', '509A',
// '575D', '805A', '862A', '926A',
// '962C', '1006B', '1182B'
// ],
// // like this
// },
// failRecords: {
// AtCoder: [ 'arc100_a' ],
// CodeForces: [ '429D', '862B', '1187C' ],
// // like this
// }
Returns all informations about problems, Supports querying, Asynchronus function.
const options = {
start: 0, // Start position from the problem-list, positive integer, default: 0
length: 1, // Length of the output list, positive integer with maximum 100, default: 20
sortDir: 'desc', // 'desc' or 'asc', default: 'desc'
sortCol: 5, // Basis column for sorting, default: 5
OJId: 'LightOJ', // Online judges, (List can be found from remote_ojs()), default: 'All'
probNum: '1234', // Problem number in an online judge, default: '' (no specific problem)
title: '', // Default: ''
source: '', // Default: ''
category: '' // Default: ''
Vjudge.problems(options).then(result => console.log(result)).catch(err => console.error(err));
// result
// {
// data: [
// {
// originOJ: 'LightOJ',
// originProb: '1234',
// allowSubmit: true,
// id: 26945,
// source: '',
// title: 'Harmonic Number',
// triggerTime: 1602909550000,
// isFav: 0,
// status: 0
// }
// ],
// recordsTotal: 9999999,
// recordsFiltered: 9999999,
// draw: 1
// }
Returns submission status informations, supports querying. Asynchronus function.
const options = {
start: 0, // Start position from the problem-list, positive integer, default: 0
length: 1, // Length of the output list, positive integer with maximum 20, default: 20
un: 'rahathossain690', // Username of any user, default: '' (no specific user)
OJId: 'All', // Online judges, (List can be found from remote_ojs()), default: 'All'
probNum: '', // Problem number in an online judge, default: '' (no specific problem)
res: 1, // Vjudge verdict expression, default: 0 (verdicts() function might help)
language: '', // Language of the submission, default: ''
onlyFollowee: 'true' // Default: true
Vjudge.status(options).then(result => console.log(result)).catch(err => console.error(error))
// {
// data: [
// {
// memory: 2092,
// access: 0,
// statusType: 0,
// runtime: 2,
// language: 'C++',
// statusCanonical: 'AC',
// userName: 'rahathossain690',
// userId: 227541,
// languageCanonical: 'CPP',
// contestId: 132789,
// uDebugUrl: '',
// contestNum: 'O',
// processing: false,
// runId: 25231746,
// time: 1586506966000,
// oj: 'LightOJ',
// problemId: 26777,
// sourceLength: 1096,
// probNum: '1060',
// status: 'Accepted'
// }
// ],
// recordsTotal: 9999999,
// recordsFiltered: 9999999,
// draw: 1
// }
Returns submission status informations in contests, supports querying. Asynchronus function.
const options = {
start: 0, // Start position from the problem-list, positive integer, default: 0
length: 1, // Length of the output list, positive integer with maximum 20, default: 20
un: 'rahathossain690', // Username of any user, default: '' (no specific user)
res: 1, // Vjudge verdict expression, default: 0 (verdicts() function might help)
num: '-', // Problem number in the contest (As A, B, C,...). Default: '-' (all problems)
language: '', // Language of the submission, default: ''
inContest: true, // Default: true
contestId: 353950 // Contest-id can be found in contest links, required.
Vjudge.contest_status(options).then(result => console.log(result)).catch(err => console.error(error))
// result
// {
// data: [
// {
// memory: 236,
// access: 0,
// statusType: 0,
// runtime: 92,
// language: 'GNU G++11 5.1.0',
// statusCanonical: 'AC',
// userName: 'rahathossain690',
// userId: 227541,
// languageCanonical: 'CPP',
// contestId: 353950,
// contestNum: 'G',
// processing: false,
// runId: 23858026,
// time: 1580125710000,
// problemId: 27808,
// sourceLength: 969,
// status: 'Accepted'
// }
// ],
// recordsTotal: 9999999,
// recordsFiltered: 9999999,
// draw: 1
// }
Returns run-time informations about a particular submission. Asynchronus function.
const options = {
runId: 23858026 // Run-id can be found from status/contest-status, required.
Vjudge.run_info(options).then(result => console.log(result)).catch(err => console.error(error))
// result
// {
// memory: 236,
// statusType: 0,
// author: 'rahathossain690',
// length: 969,
// runtime: 92,
// language: 'GNU G++11 5.1.0',
// statusCanonical: 'AC',
// authorId: 227541,
// languageCanonical: 'CPP',
// codeAccessInfo: 'This code is not shared',
// contestId: 353950,
// submitTime: 1580125710000,
// isOpen: 0,
// contestNum: 'G',
// processing: false,
// runId: 23858026,
// oj: 'CodeForces',
// remoteRunId: '69611972',
// probNum: '159A',
// status: 'Accepted'
// }
Any kind of Contribution is highly welcomed.
To contribute: Create an issue > Fork > Create own branch > Commit changes > Push the branch > Create pull request
- Contest time ranklist.
This project is inspired from vlawer.