Google sheets script to format numbers into a readable format, with suffixes of 'K', 'M' and 'B'.
On your Google sheet, go to Tools -> Script Editor
On the page, copy and paste the contents of FORMATNUMBER.js
Name the script 'Format Number' (or whatever you desire...)
Click on File -> Save & click on the play button
Your script should be ready. Try and type '=NUMBERFORMAT(5000)' to test the installation
Number: 28349586 in Cell A1
By default, the function will determine if 'K', 'M' or 'B' is the correct suffix and round to zero decimals
Formula: =FORMATNUMBER(A1, 0)
Result: 28M
The number of decimals can be selected using the second token
Formula: =FORMATNUMBER(A1, 2)
Result: 28.35M
Finally, the default suffix can be overriden
Formula: =FORMATNUMBER(G17,0,"K")
Result: 28,350K
Use away, as your heart desires