A full-stack MERN app created by Winston Summers, Tony Phan and Sweeney Arnett
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node.js
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Materialize
- Live site on Heroku
METHOD | URL | Purpose |
POST | /auth/signup | Adds new user to user database |
POST | /auth/login | Authenticates login details |
POST | /auth/me/from/token | Checks if token is present on browser refresh |
POST | /results | Returns restaurant results from Yelp API call |
POST | /results/restaurantsSaved | Adds a user's saved restaurant to the database |
GET | /profile/:id | Returns user profile page |
POST | /profile/list/:userId | Adds a user's packing list item to the database |
DELETE | /profile/list/:userId | Removes a user's packing list item from the database |
- Additional styling
- Add delete route to saved restaurants
- Incorporate weather API or add events from Yelp for additional info on user destination
- Enable autocomplete when user typing in search destination
- Additional clean up and refactoring of code
- Yelp API
- Trello
- Draw.io
- Google Fonts