The repository collects material from talks at the Julia User Group in Mainz, Germany. Please find more information on our website, including a link to join our email newsletter.
- 2025-04-17, TBD
- 2025-03-06, Boris Kaus, Creating GUIs using GLMakie.jl
- 2025-02-06, Marco Artiano, HOHQMesh.jl tutorial
- Please note that we have to meet in a different room: Gernot Gräf Raum, fifth floor in Staudingerweg 7
- 2025-01-23, Arpit Babbar and Marco Artiano, An introduction to Trixi.jl
- Please note that we have to meet in a different room: 04-220 in Staudingerweg 9
- Introduction to Trixi.jl
- Some Applications of Trixi.jl
- 2025-01-09, Pascal Aellig, Leveraging the Julia infrastructure on GitHub for package development
- 2024-12-12, Jacob Frasunkiewicz, Using AD to compute adjoints
- 2024-11-28, Arpit Babbar, Using Julia and VS Code via SSH
- 2024-11-14, Valentin Churavy, Overview of the Julia AD ecosystem
- 2024-10-31, Hendrik Ranocha, Introduction to automatic/algorithmic differentiation (AD)
- 2024-06-10, Evangelos Moulas, Pseudo-transient iterations
- 2024-05-13, Boris Kaus, Automatic differentiation & solving nonlinear implicit equations
- 2024-04-08, Hendrik Ranocha, Basic performance analysis and optimization
- 2024-03-07, Hendrik Ranocha, Essential Julia packages and debugging
- 2024-02-05, Thomas Berkemeier
- 2024-01-08, Hendrik Ranocha, From high-level code to low-level performance optimizations
- 2023-12-21, Valentin Churavy, Making dynamic programs run fast