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Hiding and replacing the content of a block

Rosario Carvello edited this page Feb 10, 2018 · 3 revisions


In the previous page, you learned how to dynamically generate content by repeating and valorizing many times a static content of a block. Another interesting feature you can do with a block is the capability to hide or to replace its content.

Hiding and replacing the content of a block

By supposing that:

  1. We want to hide the users' list of the previous templates\users_manager.html.tpl, statically defined using a block named Users.
  2. We want to replace the users' table with a message "Sorry, you are not allowed to access users' list" for simulating a protected information.

For this purpose, we add a new block called ContenUsers in the template. See the template code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Users list</title>
   <h1>Users list</h1>
   <!-- BEGIN ContenUsers -->
         <!-- BEGIN Users -->
        <!-- END Users -->
    <!-- END ContenUsers -->

The view views\UsersManager will remain the same of the previous example


namespace views;

use framework\View;

class UsersManager extends View
     * @override framework\View __construct()
    public function __construct($tplName = null)
        if (empty($tplName)) {
            $tplName = "/users_manager";

     * Shows the given $user in the block Users
     * of tempalates\users_manager.html.tpl
     * @param array $users Array of users in the format
     *                     array(array('Username'=>,'UserEmai'=>''))
    public function setUsersBlock($users)
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $this->setVar("UserName", $user["UserName"]);
            $this->setVar("UserEmail", $user["UserEmail"]);

Now we need to update the controllers\UsersManager by adding two methods: hideUsers and disallowUsers. See the code:


namespace controllers;

use framework\Controller;
use views\UsersManager as UsersManagerView;

class UsersManager extends Controller

     * @override framework\Controller __construct()
    public function __construct()
        $this->view = new UsersManagerView();
        $users = $this->getUsersData();

     * Provides users data
     * @return array  Array of users in the
     *                format array(array('Username'=>,'UserEmai'=>''))
    private function getUsersData()
        $users = array(
            array('UserName' => 'Mark', 'UserEmail' => '[email protected]'),
            array('UserName' => 'Elen', 'UserEmail' => '[email protected]'),
            array('UserName' => 'John', 'UserEmail' => '[email protected]')
        return $users;

     * Hides users list
    public function hideUsers()

     * Disallows users list
    public function disallowUsers()
        $this->view->setBlock("Sorry, you are not allowed to access users' list");

Now you can run the controller in three different ways:

1) By running http://localhost/users_manager you will get the following users list:

Users list

User Email
Mark [email protected]
Elen [email protected]
John [email protected]

2) By running http://localhost/users_manager/hide_users you will get the following output:

Users list

3) By running http://localhost/users_manager/disallow_users you will get the following output:

Users list

Sorry, you are not allowed to access users' list


In this page, you learned how to use the hide($blockName) method for hiding the content inside a block. You also learned another capability of the setBlock() method. In fact by calling setBlock($text) and by passing it a text message you can replace the content of an opened block with the given message.

Whats Next

In the next page, we speak about nesting blocks

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