Chat app with Mastodon integration
- Mastodon search-bot and stream of recent posts
- for client-server communication
- Redis for persistent messages and users
- Browserify for modular client-side code
- JWT for user authorization
- tape for unit and integration testing
- jsdom for DOM testing
- ES6 on server
- adaptive layout
- auto-generated avatars and names
- embeddable images
- @userMentions with sound notification
- unicode EMOJIS ππππππ
Type mastodon find thing
to find latest post with "thing" hashtag
(note: client-side dependencies are saved in package.json as devDependencies)
cd chattr
npm install
install server dependencies
npm install --only=dev
(optional) install devDependencies
(note: redis must be running (app uses default redis settings))
npm run start
start app normally
npm run watch
watch app: auto restart and rebuild client bundle if js files have changed (needs devDeps)
npm run test-client
test client-side (needs devDeps)
npm run test-server
test server-side (needs devDeps)