25 commits
to main
since this release
🚀 Features
- OPCT-242: Introduce command 'get images'
- PR: #83
- OPCT-226: cmd/status: Adding flag to set the watch interval
- PR: #87
- OPCT-272: Create Sonobuoy mirror scripts to multi-arch images
- PR: #91
- OPCT-226: opct adm parsers for etcd and metrics
- PR: #102
🐛 Fixes
- OPCT-269: fix flag --sonobuoy-image to PoC on ARM64 clusters
- PR: #90
- OPCT-35: fix checks for node (label and taints) and MCP (upgrade)
- PR: #103
- OPCT-257: CI pipeline fix when uploading artifacts to release
- PR: #108
- OPCT-257: improve error handler when using the client as api pkg
- PR: #105
⛏ Cleanup
- OPCT-00: CI: add job cmd-report
- PR: #97
- Bump to latest sonobuoy and golang 1.21
- PR: #95
- OPCT-257: CI/set prerelease flag when pipeline creates release
- PR: #110
- OPCT-257: CI - add service account to publish to new Quay Org
- PR: #111
- OPCT-257: fix typo on flag: log-level
- PR: #112
📦 Dependencies
- Bump to latest sonobuoy and golang 1.21
- PR: #95
- OPCT-226: opct adm parsers for etcd and metrics
- PR: #102
📜 Documentation
- OPCT-253: Rename OPCT binary to the new name
- PR: #85
- OPCT-41: Update OPCT support matrix
- PR: #84
- OPCT-257: Doc - remove machineset option in dedicated node section
- PR: #89
- OPCT-41: Documenting the supported OCP topologies
- PR: #86
- OPCT-226: opct adm parsers for etcd and metrics
- PR: #102