Lock Warden is a desktop app which allows you to store all kinds of confidential information from logins from different sites to some notes in securest form: in your locale storage in with high security encryption algorithms.
How data stores
We work with scheme “one device – one database” Even if you clone this app into 5 other locations, database will be one. It’s stored in your ProgramData folder
With entering you face a simple window with two textboxes - username and password. Obviously, you should enter there your username and password to login. By pressing button “Register”, you can create a new account.
There you see four textboxes. In “Full Name” you enter any text – we will call you so. In username you also enter any text, but you must remember it – it’s your username for logging in. Then you write your password and repeat it – what if you write something enormous?
By clicking left arrow button, you can return to login
In left you see five buttons: full name, create record, login, card and note. First is for editing account settings, second – adding new information and others – to view it.
Full name
By clicking it, you enter page with all info about your account: you can change your username and full name, but not password (it’s for security)
Create Record
By clicking it, you see context menu with three items: login, card and note. With each you enter page with data, required for this type of information. Enter valid data and press “Add”!
Create login
Username is your username in this site. We don’t care, what you write here – it’s only for you. Username is encrypted
Password – all rules as with username
-Password is encrypted
In name you enter your public name on this site
-Name is not encrypted
Web site – there you write site, for which you are creating a login.
-Web site is not encrypted
Create Card
Bank – it’s a bank, for which you create this card. For convenience in searching card, you need, of course
-Bank is not encrypted
Number – it’s a 16-digit number of your card
-Number is encrypted
Pin – 4-digit pin-code for your card
-Pin is encrypted
Name – there you write full name of person, for who is this card registered. Doesn’t matter, what you write here
-Name is not encrypted
Create note
Title – title of your note, for convenient navigating in them
-Title is not encrypted
Text – it’s body of your note
-Text is encrypted
Firstly, you need to know, how viewing records works. Because all your data is encrypted, we can’t just show all information – it’s ridiculous. Only when you click on some record, you view a window with its information, already decrypted.
By clicking this button, you can view all your logins, that you created. For convenience, there’s a favicon of site, specified in information of login. Also, there is your username(bigger) and site(smaller)
There’s just name of person and bank. To view other information, click on any record
There’s a list of all notes only with title – to view its body, click on it