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@timdorr timdorr released this 10 Nov 17:01
· 8992 commits to main since this release

Path Matching

Paths that start with / are absolute and work exactly as they used to.
Paths that don't start with / are now relative, meaning they extend
their parent route.

Simply add / in front of all your paths to keep things working.

<!-- 0.5.x -->
<Route path="/foo">
  <Route path="bar"/>

<!-- 0.6.x -->
<Route path="/foo">
  <Route path="/bar"/>

Though, you may want to embrace this new feature:

<!-- 0.5.x -->
<Route path="/course/:courseId">
  <Route path="/course/:courseId/assignments"/>
  <Route path="/course/:courseId/announcements"/>

<!-- 0.6.x -->
<Route path="/course/:courseId">
  <Route path="assignments"/>
  <Route path="announcements"/>

Also . is no longer matched in dynamic segments.

<!-- 0.5.x -->
<Route path="/file/:filename" />

<!-- 0.6.x -->
<Route path="/file/:filename.?:ext?" />

  or for a looser match to allow for multiple `.` note that the data
  will be available on `this.props.params.splat` instead of
<Route path="/file/*" />

Link params

Links should now pass their params in the params property, though the
old behavior will still work, you should update your code soon because
it will be removed by v1.0

// 0.5.x
<Link to="user" userId="123"/>

// 0.6.x
<Link to="user" params={{userId: "123"}}/>

Dynamic Segments, keys, and lifecycle methods

If you have dynamic segments and are depending on getInitialState,
componentWillMount, or componentDidMount to fire between transitions
to the same route--like users/123 and users/456--then you have two

  • add addHandlerKey={true} to your route and keep the previous
    behavior (but lose out on performance), or
  • implement componentWillReceiveProps.
// 0.5.x
<Route handler={User} path="/user/:userId"/>

// 0.6.x
<Route handler={User} path="/user/:userId" addHandlerKey={true} />

// 0.5.x
var User = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      user: getUser(this.props.params.userId);

// 0.6.x
var User = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return this.getState();

  componentWillReceiveProps: function (newProps) {

  getState: function (props) {
    props = props || this.props;
    return {
      user: getUser(props.params.userId)


  • 2a75f3e [added] query argument to willTransitionTo
  • b7e21bb [fixed] Window scrolling
  • 5864531 [changed] Default <Redirect from> to *
  • 1064881 [changed] paths to inherit parents
  • 79caf99 [added] <DefaultRoute name>
  • 25adcab [fixed] Using HashLocation without a preceeding /
  • a63c940 [added] <NotFoundRoute>
  • d5bd656 [changed] path matching algorithm
  • 6526e70 [removed] location="disabled"
  • 8d2f3ed [changed] <Link/>s to take params property
  • 2a85b74 [changed] handler keys to be optional