django-wysiwyg-redactor is a reusable application for Django, using Redactor WYSIWYG editor
Sponsored by Mess Marketing, we use the latest version of redactorjs, always up-to-date.
- Django >= 1.3 # for static files
- Pillow or PIL # for image upload
- Install django-wysiwyg-redactor:
`pip install django-wysiwyg-redactor`
- Add 'redactor' to INSTALLED_APPS.
- Add url(r'^redactor/', include('redactor.urls')), to
- Add default config in
REDACTOR_OPTIONS = {'lang': 'en'}
REDACTOR_UPLOAD = 'uploads/'
More redactor settings.
from django.db import models
from redactor.fields import RedactorField
class Entry(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=250, verbose_name=u'Title')
short_text = RedactorField(verbose_name=u'Text')
or use custom parametrs:
short_text = RedactorField(
redactor_options={'lang': 'en', 'focus': 'true'},
RedactorEditor takes the same parameters as RedactorField.
SimpleUploader - The Standard Uploader. Will upload your file to REDACTOR_UPLOAD.
UUIDUploader - This handler will replace the original file name for an UUID.
DateDirectoryUploader - This handler saves the file in a directory based on the current server date.
For example, if I want to use the DateDirectoryUploader handler, I will put this on
REDACTOR_UPLOAD_HANDLER = 'redactor.handlers.DateDirectoryUploader'
django-wysiwyg-redactor defaults to using the default media storage for your Django application.
This can be overriden to use a different storage backend with this variable:
REDACTOR_FILE_STORAGE = 'my_site.file_storages.storage_instance'
Information on writing a custom storage backend is here in the Django documentation.
Other third-party libraries exist to provide storage backends for cloud object storages (e.g. django-cumulus for Rackspace/OpenStack or django-storages for Amazon S3).
NOTE: Soon we will have a better documentation.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request =]
- 0.4.0 sep 11, 2014
- Great news, now we have an sponsor, which means we can use a up-to-date version of redactorjs. Thanks to @etchalon. ( pull #48 )
- Working with python3.4
- Update LICENSE
- Better error handling
- Jun 06, 2014
- Added: Support for custom REDACTOR_FILE_STORAGE ( pull #45 #46 ) Thanks to @pztrick
- 0.3.9 Mar 29, 2014
- New Feature: Upload Handler (pull #43) Special Thanks to @SilentSokolov
- Fix unicode filename issue.
- Feb 14, 2014
- Improvement: Rename uploaded image by dint of uuid ( pull #33 )
- Feb 13, 2014
- Fix: Solve Deprecation of 'simplejson' ( pull #25 )
- previous versions
- Lots of fixes, see the commits.
Awesome people, you should see the AUTHORS file.
And our awesome sponsor:
Mess Marketing from Chicago, IL [email protected] @etchalon
Starting with version 7.6.3 redactor-js is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license
If you want to use a newer version please buy license here