When working on a microcontroller project in C, we often capture the mapping of a signal to a physical pin with preprocessor macros, like so
// button is connected to PB5
#define BUTTON_BIT 5
and we use those definitions later in our code
// test if button is pressed
if (BUTTON_PORT & (1 << BUTTON_BIT)) { do_something(); }
If we later decide that the PCB layout is easier if we connect the button to PC3 instead of PB5, we just change the two lines above.
But what if we need to change the logic, so the button input is low when pressed? What if we want to use a pin change interrupt for that signal? The simple #defines won't do it anymore.
That's where the <stdpins.h>
header comes in: it allows you to define port name, pin number and polarity in one place, and then refer to that signal definition throughout your code, for basic I/O, and for pin change interrupts.
It can be used with "classic" AVR projects as well as with Arduino projects.
- Introduction
- Defining a pin
- Configuring a pin
- Pre-defined pins
- Testing input pins
- Setting output pins
- Direct access to pin definition
- Pin change interrrupts
For more details, see requirements
In embedded projects with ATmega or ATtiny microcontrollers (and maybe others), assignment of signals to port pins may change multiple times, e.g. when you start working on your PCB layout and learn that it would really be easier if the LED was connected to PC2 instead of PB5 ...
allows you to map a logical signal to a port name and bit number, and define polarity (active high or active low), in one place, and then refer to that definition throughout your code.
Say we have an LED connected to PB5, and the light is on if PB5=Low
#define led B,5,ACTIVE_LOW
Somewhere else in your code, you configure the pin as output
turn the LED on for a while
If the schematics change and LED is now connected to PC2, and turns on if PC2=Hi, just change the definition to
#define led C,2,ACTIVE_HIGH
Everything else remains the same.
The general format is
#define signalname port,bit,polarity
where port is one of A
,etc., bit is in the range 0-7, and polarity is ACTIVE_LOW
You can also specity a "polarity" of ACTIVE_LOW_OC
for an active-low open-collector output.
AVR controllers don't really have pins that can be programmed as open-collector outputs, like the more modern STM controllers. But we can simulate this: to set an output active (low), program the pin as output and low-level, and to set an output inactive (high), program it as an input withput a pull-up)
Use these macros to configure a pin as output or input (with or without pull-up)
Macro | Direction | pull-up |
AS_INPUT(pin) | in | undefined |
AS_INPUT_PU(pin) | in | enabled |
AS_INPUT_FLOAT(pin) | in | disabled |
AS_OUTPUT(pin) | out | n/a |
For example, this would configure pin PC2 as input and enable the pull-up resistor:
Several pins used by AVR peripherals are "pre-defined", depending on the microcontroller model. So, for an ATmega328, the symbol _I2C_SDA
is defined as
#define _I2C_SDA C,4,ACTIVE_HIGH
for an ATtiny2313, it is defined as
#define _I2C_SDA B,5,ACTIVE_HIGH
They can be used in your code as if you had defined them
// pulse low the I²C clock line
When defining your logical signals, you can refer to the controller-specific pin assignment, and just specify a polarity:
#define led _OC0A(ACTIVE_LOW)
#define button _INT0(ACTIVE_LOW)
See header for more details.
Use these macros to test an input pin:
if the pin is active, i.e. high for anACTIVE_HIGH
pin or low for anACTIVE_LOW
if the pin is not active, i.e. low for anACTIVE_HIGH
pin or high for anACTIVE_LOW
if the pin is high, irrespective of polarityÌS_LOW(pin)
if the pin is low, irrespective of polarity
For example, if BUTTON is defined as
and the voltage at pin PC2 is currently 0 Volt, then
Use these macros to set the state of an output signal:
sets the output to active, i.e. high for anACTIVE_HIGH
pin or low for anACTIVE_LOW
sets the output to not active, i.e. low for anACTIVE_HIGH
pin or high for anACTIVE_LOW
sets the output to high, irrespective of polaritySET_LOW(pin)
sets the output to low, irrespective of polarityTOGGLE(pin)
flips the outputSET_PA(pin,value)
sets the output based on expressionvalue
, i.e. sets it to active ifvalue!=0
or to not active ifvalue==0
Sometimes, you will need to convert your signal definition to a "classic" pin name like PC4, or you need direct access to the port register or data direction register. Use these macros to get that access:
Macro | Description | Example |
PORT | Name of port output register | PORTC |
PIN | Name of port input register | PINC |
DDR | Name of data direction reg. | DDRC |
BV | Bit mask for pin | 0x08 |
portNAME | Letter of port | C |
portBIT | Bit number | 3 |
The example is what you get if the signal has been defined as
#define mypin C,3,ACTIVE_HIGH
When you need to specify a pin to an Arduino library function, use the ARDUINO_PIN
#define led B,5,ACTIVE_HIGH
int pin = ARDUINO_PIN(led); // will set pin=13 on an ATmega328
Currently, this only works for ATmega168/328 based Arduino boards, and for ATmega324/644/1284 using the MightyCore Arduino core with the "Standard" pinout.
These signal definitions can also be used in conjunction with pin change interrupts (in controllers that support this feature).
Say you have connected a button to input PC2 of your ATmega328:
#define button C,2,ACTIVE_LOW
To get pin change interrupts from this button, you need to enable the bank of pin change interrupts for the port, and then enable the individual pin change interrupt
since button
is currently defined as PC2, this translates to
PCICR |= 1 << PCIE1
PCIMSK1 |= 1 << 2
If, later in your project, you decide to re-assign the button to PD7
#define button D,7,ACTIVE_LOW
macros above are now automatically expanded to
PCICR |= 1 << PCIE2
PCIMSK1 |= 1 << 7
Your interrupt service routine could look like this
PCI_ISR(button) {
// ... do something
There are also matching PCI_DISABLE(pin)
and PCIEx_DISABLE(pin)
All of this works well if you use only one pin change interrupt per port. If you want to use more than one pin change interrupt on the same port, the refer to the ATmega datasheet to understand how these interrupts are enabled and disabled in groups.
As a nice side effect of using the macros in this package, your program will consume less memory, and will be faster than the standard Arduino I/O functions. I tested this on an Arduino Nano clone at 16 MHz. A simple loop that toggles an output pin using the stdpins
macros looks like this
for (;;) {
If you use the Arduino functions, it would look like this
#define pinLED 13
for(;;) {
digitalWrite( pinLED, LOW );
digitalWrite( pinLED, HIGH );
A minimal program with this loop used 438 bytes flash memory with stdpins
, and 722 bytes with the Arduino functions.
One cycle through the loop takes 0.375µs with stdpins
, and 6.7µs with Arduino ... if the pin value is known at compile time. If the pin value is in a variable, so you use SET_PA(LED;var)
or digitalWrite(pinLED,var)
, then the times are 1.6µs vs 7.0µs.
Inspired by http://www.starlino.com/port_macro.html