Backend -
Frontend - React
Frontend React dependencies:
- @sanity/client
- @sanity/image-url
- framer-motion
- node-sass
- react-icons
File/folder Structure:
components: This contains the smaller components.
assets: This contains all of the images and media for the project.
constants: This contains inputs for all of the files that are constantly used.
container: This contains all of the bigger containers i.e components containing multiple components inside themselves. Each container item will be a folder and the accompanying jsx and scss file.
<Header /> <About /> <Subsidiaries /> <MeetTheCEO> <Skills Team/> <SolarHeader> <SolarAbout> <SolarProjects> <Testimonial /> <AquaticsHeader> <AquaticsAbout> <AquaticsProjects> <AquaticsTeam> <AquaticsTestimonial> <TechHeader> <TechAbout> <TechTestimonial> <Footer />
Importing every single image asset to be used, in the images.js file and then exporting them so that it can be easily imported in one line with a meaningful name.
BEM is simply a frontend naming method.