Welcome to the AutoGen Agent Playground! This repository is a comprehensive collection of Jupyter notebooks, Streamlit apps, and Flask applications that demonstrate various use cases and implementations of AutoGen Agents. This repository serves as a practical resource for readers to explore and implement use cases discussed in my blogposts.
Currently, this repository covers the following use cases:
Here we have developed an AI agent using AutoGen that can automatically fetch the top 10 tech news headlines and content from TechCrunch using the NewsAPI(https://www.newsapi.org/). We'll be just providing it with the requirement as input while initiating the chat and the code generation, execution will be handled by AutoGen without any human intervention.
More topics and examples will be getting added in the near future.
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions! If you have ideas for new examples, improvements to existing code, or bug fixes, please feel free to contribute.
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