A Python client for the Center for Responsive Politics API at OpenSecrets.org.
Access campaign contribution and personal financial data for US congressional members.
You will need a Center for Responsive Politics API key.
From PyPI:
pip install opensecrets-crpapi
Or, download and use the install script:
git clone https://github.com/robrem/opensecrets-crpapi && cd opensecrets-crpapi
python setup.py install
All API functions are abstracted to corresponding client methods, and accept the respective parameters. Results are returned in JSON format, and pre-parsed to trim the fat. For example:
>>> from crpapi import CRP
>>> crp = CRP(API_KEY)
# get a specific legislator by CID
>>> cand = crp.candidates.get('N00007360')
>>> cand['lastname']
# get the top contributors to a candidate for a specific cycle
>>> contribs = crp.candidates.contrib('N00007360', '2016')
>>> contribs[0]['@attributes']['org_name']
# get fundraising information for a committee's members, by industry
>>> cmte = crp.committees.cmte_by_ind('HARM', 'F10')
>>> cmte[0]['@attributes']['member_name']
'Heck, Joe'
# use fetch to access the endpoints more directly, without pre-parsed results
>>> summ = crp.fetch('candSummary', cid='N00007360')
>>> summ['summary']['@attributes']['first_elected']