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A library for obtaining external configuration for your application.


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A library for obtaining external configuration for your application.

This library lets you externalize the configuration of your application so that it can work without any changes in different environments. You use JSON files, environment variables, command line arguments or other well known sources like Volume Mounted Kubernetes ConfigMaps (or Secrets) to deliver configuration to your application without changing a single line. Property values can be looked up anywhere in your code by using the lookupConfig function.

Optionally custom providers can be added to search more exotic sources of configuration like a database, key/value store or secrets vault.


import {lookupConfig, defaultConfig} from '@rotty3000/config-node';

// It's best not to store the value and to always look it up because providers may invalidate their caches in order to give updated values
let value = lookupConfig('a.configuration.key');

// Setting a default value to be used when no provider can locate a configured value

// do this before any access for the key has been performed
defaultConfig('config.node.config.trees', ['/configtree']);

Sources of Configuration

The following configuration providers are pre-packaged and searched in order of precedence until a value is found.

  1. A JSON file ~/.config-node-devtools.json in the user home directory which contains configuration keys. (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  2. Command line arguments formatted as --key=value.

  3. From command line argument --application.json=<json> where the inline JSON is structured as in 1. (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  4. Properties from the APPLICATION_JSON environment variable whose value is inline JSON. (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  5. From individual environment variables (following name mangling rules):

    • Replace dots (.) with underscores (_).
    • Remove any dashes (-).
    • Convert to uppercase.


    The key a.configuration.key becomes an environment variable called A_CONFIGURATION_KEY

    The key a-configuration-key becomes an environment variable called ACONFIGURATIONKEY

  6. From config tree structured directories (a.k.a. Volume mounted ConfigMaps/Secrets) specified (as an array) in the configuration property config.node.config.trees.

    Setting the configuration property config.node.config.trees (using any of the sources described in this list, for instance as an environment variable CONFIG_NODE_CONFIG_TREES=/config-map,/secrets) indicates the directories where keys will be looked up (where key matches the file name and file contents become the value).


    Given a Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret mounted at /config-map with a data file located at /config-map/, looking up the property will return the contents of the file as the value.

  7. From application profile property json files in ${CWD}/config/application-{profile}.json where profile is set using the property (using any of the sources described in this list, for instance as an environment variable CONFIG_NODE_PROFILES_ACTIVE=test). (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  8. From application profile property json files in ${CWD}/application-{profile}.json where profile is set using the property (using any of the sources described in this list, for instance as an environment variable CONFIG_NODE_PROFILES_ACTIVE=test). (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  9. From application property json files in ${CWD}/config/application.json. (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  10. From application property json files in ${CWD}/application.json. (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  11. From application property json files packaged with the node.js app (i.e. adjacent to the main script). (See Structure of JSON configuration.)

  12. From programer provided defaults. As demonstrated in the sample code above a developer can pre-set values to act as the defaults when no other source provides a value.


    defaultConfig('my.custom.config', 'some value');

Interpolation of placeholders in config values

When a value returned from a lookup contains a placeholder of the form ${key} the key will be looked up and its value, if found, will replace the placeholder. A single value may contain multiple placeholders and it is also possible to have nested placeholders. For example; given the two environment variables VAR_ONE="env var one value" and VAR_TWO="ONE", a third property nested.placeholder=${VAR_${VAR_TWO}} would result in the value env var one value.

Structure of JSON configuration

The configuration JSON structure expects keys to be at the root, as follows:

  "key.with.array.value": ["one", "two"],
  "key.with.object.value": {"some.value": "foo"},
  "key.with.number.value": 5,
  "key.with.string.value": "dev",

Custom Providers

Custom providers can be added as middle ware to without affecting other parts of the code.

import {addProvider, computeIfAbsent, ConfigProvider} from '@rotty3000/config-node';

const customProvider: ConfigProvider = {
  key: 'my-custom-remote-store',
  description: 'From a database, key value store or secrets vault',
  priority: 100,
  get: (key, providerCache, commonCache) => {
    // If the work is hard, put the value in providerCache for better performance over repeat get operations.
    // The provider is free to hold the providerCache var and clear it when it deems fit to return updated values.
    // commonCache is a cache common to all providers and where values not specific to the provider can be stored in order to improve performance (e.g. `cwd`, `homedir`, etc.)

    return computeIfAbsent(
      () => key == 'custom.key' && 'custom value'


Debugging and Verbosity

There is an internal property config.node.config.verbose which allows external operators to set the verbosity level of the library. When the value is set to 'true' the library will emit additional information about it's processing activities.


A library for obtaining external configuration for your application.







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