This repository ONLY contains the datasets and scripts used to train the models in RPA Tomorrow. Currently only two categories of models are under development:
- deep (using seq2seq)
- simple (smaller models trained from scratch)
- simple-email
- simple-calendar
- simple-reminder
- Python 3.8.5
- Anaconda
Load the Conda environment.
conda activate rpa-models
You will need pre-trained Spacy models for the Deep model.
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
To train the deep model with the default configurations run
python deep/ #or
To train the simple model, run the following with the dataset you want to train the model only
python simple/ -d <DATASET_NAME> -o <OUTPUT_DIR>
is the name of the directory you want to work on inside simple/datasets
e.g. "reminder".
If you don't specify the output directory the model will not be stored.
For the pre-trained models and their releases, see model-releases