MfBundler (npm link) allow you to build your components with single command line
In order to works, Mf-bundler needs:
at the root of the project with
const config = {
entities: [
name: "menu", // entity folder name inside apps/ folder
export {config};
at the root of each entity-type microfronts with
const config = {
microAppName: "micro-app-menu-detail", // used by registerMicroApp and MicroAppComponent name attribute
entity: "menu", // used for the mf-maestro.json and dist folder structure for build
uiType: "detail", // used for the mf-maestro.json and dist folder structure for build
processor: "processor_name", // used for the mf-maestro.json and dist folder structure for build
requiredAcls: ["index", "create"] // used for the mf-maestro.json and dist folder structure for build
export {config};
- npm scripts in root package.json with
"scripts": {
"build": "mf-bundle -d back-office-menu -p /assets/back-office-menu", // -d for domain & -p for prefix inside mf-maestro.json
"clean": "mf-clean",
"dependencies": "mf-install",
"postinstall": "npm run dependencies",
"start": "mf-serve",
"test": "mf-test",
"watch": "npm-watch"
The overall structure to work will look like this:
/package.json => with mf-bundler scripts and installed in dependencies