PgOSM Flex 0.6.2
This release is one step closer to taking the Experimental tag off the append feature. It also goes back to stable PostGIS releases instead of development releases.
Commit hash: 7a12896
The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in
SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex;
If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using alatest
Docker image with untagged features.
Backend changes
These backend changes should have zero impact to data loaded to PostGIS.
- Fix bug preventing
#264 - Thank you @petrell9! - Fix Docker base image to use PostGIS 3.3 instead of PostGIS Dev - #269
- Add step to
to test--append
mode with--input-file
#271 - Speed up
by switching functional tests to useminimal
layerset #271 - Quiet the logged output a bit. Plus minor Python cleanup #267
Data changes
- No changes in this release.
Upgrade notes for --append
No manual adjustments for upgrade.
Full Changelog: 0.6.1...0.6.2