Restaurant management system have four modules namely Customer, Admin, Kitchen Master, Supervisor. Customer can order the dishes, customize the dishes before placing order. Customer should choose a paymentmode before placing order, A bill is generated after payment. Kitchen Master will receive all the orders placed by the customer and acknowledge after dish is served. Supervisor will resolve the tickets raised by the custome. Admin can add dishes, customize the dishes, add/remove Kitchen master, add/remove supervisor.
- Bootstrap 4
- Angular Material
- Angular 10
- Spring Boot
- Hibernate 5.3
- Log4J
- Admin can add, edit, delete Items, Chefs, Supervisors.
- Customer can customize his/her order and place the order.
- Placed orders are displayed in Chef dashboard
- Customer can raise a ticket if he has a issue and this issue is resolved by Supervisor
To-Do list:
- Should use JWT for User Authentication
Front-end part
- install angular
- npm install -g @angular/cli
- Crate new Angular Application
- ng new
- ng new
- Create Components, Pipes, Modules, Guards, Routing based on requirement
- ng generate component
- ng generate pipe
- ng generate module
- ng generate guard
- ng generate component
- Run angular application
- ng serve --open
- install angular
Back-end part
- Installing STS
- The easiest way to install STS is right from within Eclipse. Just select Help > Eclipse Marketplace… from the main menu and type “STS” in the search bar of the Eclipse Marketplace dialog.
- Creating a New Project
- STS includes its own starter project to get you started. It is accessible from the New Project Wizard. Navigate to File > New > Other…
- Project Settingd
- On the New Spring Starter Project dialog, you’ll have to choose a name for your project. Let’s call it “HelloWorld”. Select Maven as the build tool, and JAR packaging and your Java version. Assign a Group of “com.developer” for the package name. Artifact is the name of the JAR file you are going to build
- Project Dependencies
- In the New Spring Starter Project Dependencies window, use the search field and type “web” into it, we can choose the dependencies we want in out project
- Installing STS
Push Project to Github
- Initialize the local directory as a Git repository.
- git init
- Use git status to know the status of your application
- git status
- Add the files in your new local repository. This stages them for the first commit.
- git add .
- Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.
- git commit -m "First commit"
- In the Command prompt, add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed.
- git remote add origin <REMOTE_URL>
- git remote -verify
- Switch between branches if required
- git checkout -b <new_branch>
- Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub.
- git push origin
<selected branch>
- git push origin
- use git clone to clone your repository to local machine
- Initialize the local directory as a Git repository.
- open website and login based on role
- Customer can login and add items to cart, customize the items added to cart, choose a payment mode, place the order.
- Admin can login to his account, can (Add, Edit, Delete) Items, Chefs, Supervisors.
- Chef can login to his account, Serve the orders placed.
- Supervisor resolves the customer quaries.