Welcome to ShortURL, a monorepo containing two main components: the API and the App. The API is a robust Node.js backend, and the App is a dynamic Next.js frontend.
: The Node.js backend developed with TypeScript, implementing Clean Architecture./app
: The Next.js frontend application.
This is a REST API developed with NodeJs, TypeScript, and Clean Architecture principles.
- Node version: 18.18.0
- Database: PostgreSQL
- TypeScript
- Tests: Jest
- Containers: Docker
Every command on the backend setup must be executed inside api folder.
In root folder, run:
cd api
Rename or copy the
:cp .env.example .env
In the app root (the same dir where the package.json and this README are located), run:
docker compose up --build -d
This command will set up the databases and Redis containers.
If you have nodejs 18.08 installed locally, then execute:
npm install
If you don't have nodejs 18.08 installed locally, then I recommend installing nvm in your machine: Install NVM
Before starting the application, run migrations and seeders for both development and test databases.
Running migration for development:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Running migration for test:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate --env test
Running seeders for development:
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
Running seeders for test:
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all --env test
Database Modeling:
Final Database Setup:
To execute:
npm run dev
For normal tests:
npx jest
With coverage:
npx jest --coverage
Postman Project:
The ShortURL App is a responsive and user-friendly frontend developed with Next.js. It provides a seamless interface for interacting with the ShortURL API, allowing users to create and manage shortened URLs efficiently.
Every command on the backend setup must be executed inside app folder.
In root folder, run:
cd app
To set up the frontend, start by installing the necessary dependencies:
npm install
Rename or copy the
:cp .env.example .env.local
To execute:
npm run dev
- Lucas Sahdo - [email protected]
- My website: https://sahdo.io