This section explains how to run a simple VS code extension as a remote plugin in Eclipse Che
Below are the requirements for deploying multi-user deployment of Eclipse Che on Kubernetes on Debian-based Linux distributions.
A) Before launching Che on Minkube, we need to ensure that below requirements are fulfilled.
1. Kubectl (installing on Linux OS)
- Download the latest release with the command:
curl -LO$(curl -s
- Make the kubectl binary executable
chmod +x ./kubectl
- Move the binary in to your PATH
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
- Now, you can check the version of kubectl installed
kubectl version
2. Hypervisor: KVM or VirtualBox
Install VrtualBox for Linux from
3. Minikube
curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo cp minikube /usr/local/bin/ && rm minikube
4. Chectl
Download the binary and then navigate to the location where you have downloaded the binary.
Make the checktl binary executable
chmod +x ./chectl-linux
- Move the binary in to your PATH
sudo mv ./chectl-linux /usr/local/bin/chectl
B) After fulfilling the requirements, we can start Kubernetes Cluster.
Start Kubernetes cluster with at least 10 GB RAM and RBAC:
minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2 --extra-config=apiserver.authorization-mode=RBAC --cpus 4 --memory 10240
C) We can start Che server using chectl where you can pass the below command in the terminal.
chectl server:start
D) Open the Che server using the URL generated when you launch Che server using Chectl
Che Server URL...
E) Create the Che workspace with the devfile as provided in this repository
Retrieve the devfile.yaml by either cloning the project or downloading it locally and start a workspace from it:
chectl workspace:start -f devfile.yaml
F) Code build run and test the vscode extension in che
The devfile is providing few commands to build, run and test the vscode extension in Che.
build ... hello-world vscode
builds the extension and packages it ashelloworld-1.0.0.vsix
run ... remote helloworld vscode ext
Start the remote vscode ... HOSTED che-theia + detect remote helloworld vscode ext
would start che-theia and discover all remote plugins: your remote vscode ext sidecar service would be detected.
This devfile could be reuse as a template for your vscode extension. To have this work on yours:
- Change the source to point to your vscode extension
- The vscode extension sidecar container is the container containing the needed system dependencies to run your vscode extension. For instance, if you need java for your extension you use
instead of