PlutoSVG is a compact and efficient SVG rendering library written in C. It is specifically designed for parsing and rendering SVG documents embedded in OpenType fonts, providing an optimal balance between speed and minimal memory usage. It is also suitable for rendering scalable icons.
#include <plutosvg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
plutosvg_document_t* document = plutosvg_document_load_from_file("camera.svg", -1, -1);
if(document == NULL) {
printf("Unable to load: camera.svg\n");
return -1;
plutovg_surface_t* surface = plutosvg_document_render_to_surface(document, NULL, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
plutovg_surface_write_to_png(surface, "camera.png");
return 0;
#include <plutosvg-ft.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_MODULE_H
int main(void)
FT_Library library;
// Initialize the FreeType library
if(FT_Init_FreeType(&library)) {
// Handle error
return -1;
// Set PlutoSVG hooks for the SVG module
if(FT_Property_Set(library, "ot-svg", "svg-hooks", &plutosvg_ft_hooks)) {
// Handle error
return -1;
// Your code here
// Clean up
return 0;
Follow the steps below to install PlutoSVG using either Meson or CMake.
git clone
cd plutosvg
meson setup build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
git clone --recursive
cd plutosvg
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build
cmake --install build