This repo contains source code to a program that, in less than 200 bytes of compiled binary, figures out if your system supports Linux's user namespaces feature. I created it for the Sandstorm installer so that I can embed a compiled binary in the install shell script (which is admittedly a strange thing to do) because I could find no better way to check for that kernel feature.
This repo contains the Rust source code for that binary, as well as a hand-written assembly version.
At the time of writing, this compiles down to a program 157 bytes long. That number might be out of date, so feel free to re-compile it yourself.
To build the Rust version, we use a custom toolchain. Keegan McAllister developed that toolchain for ; this project merely re-uses it.
Massive thanks to @kmc and @bstrie for helping me create this silly thing.
To rebuild it, run:
The source code is in:
The assembly strategy shaves 4 bytes off the result, but the installer still uses the Rust version for now.