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Modern Bank Application

This repository contains a high-quality business website template that is built following modern UI/UX best practices. The website is constructed using React and styled with Tailwind CSS. It has been designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS

Folder Structure

The project adheres to a well-organized folder structure as follows:

  • The public/ directory holds the public assets, including the index.html file and others.
  • The src/ directory contains the source code of the website.
    • The components/ sub-directory includes various React components used to build the website's different sections, such as the header, hero, features, testimonials, pricing, contact, and more.
    • The assets/ sub-directory holds images, fonts, and other necessary assets used in the website.
    • The styles.js a javascript file includes the main CSS file as class responsible for styling the website.
    • The App.js file is the main entry point for the React application.
    • The index.js file is used to render the React application.

Getting Started

To set up the project locally and start working on it:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    bashCopy code

    git clone cd your-repository

  2. Install the required dependencies by running:

    bashCopy code

    npm install

  3. Start the development server by executing:

    bashCopy code

    npm start


The website is composed of several components:

  • Header: Represents the website header and navigation section.
  • Hero: The hero section is typically the first section that visitors see, showcasing essential information.
  • Features: A section that highlights the main features or services offered by the business.
  • Testimonials: This section displays customer testimonials or reviews.
  • Billing: A section displaying the billing plans or packages offered by the business.

Additional components can be created as needed for specific website sections.

CSS Flexbox

The website layout is built using CSS flexbox. This flexible layout technique allows for responsive design and helps in creating visually appealing and adaptive user interfaces.

Responsive Design

The website has been designed with responsiveness in mind. It is optimized to function and display correctly on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. The responsive design ensures that users have a consistent and enjoyable experience across different screen sizes.

Contribution Guidelines

Contributions to enhance and improve the website template are welcome. If you wish to contribute, please follow these standard GitHub workflow steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Create a new branch for your specific feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
  4. Push the changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request from your branch to the original repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the terms of the license.