Catflix is a clone of Netflix made specifically for cat lovers. Users of Catflix can create accounts, search and stream videos. Catflix was created with React, Redux, and Rails.
- User authentication
- Ability to watch videos from anywhere on the site.
- Ability to watch previews of videos on index page.
- Ability to search videos which searches the batabase based on title and/or genre matches.
- Used session tokens in the backend and bootstrapping + protected/auth routes in the frontend.
- Users will be notified with correct errors if they left field blank or invalid inputs.
let hoverValue = field === "password" ? "password_hover" : "email_hover";
let blankValue = field === "password" ? "password_blank" : "email_blank";
return (e) => {
// email or password
if (this.state.field === "") {
return this.setState({
errors: {
[hoverValue]: !(this.state.errors[hoverValue]),
[blankValue]: true
} else if (field === "password" && this.state.password.length < 4 ) {
return this.setState({
errors: {
[hoverValue]: !(this.state.errors[hoverValue]),
[blankValue]: true
else if (field === "email" && < 1 ){
return this.setState({
errors: {
[hoverValue]: !(this.state.errors[hoverValue]),
[blankValue]: true
} else {
return this.setState({
errors: {
[hoverValue]: !(this.state.errors[hoverValue]),
[blankValue]: false
- Users can hover over a video and see the preview of the video, also they are able to click details and see the description of the video.
- Utilized
from lodash. A request is fired off to the server once the user hasn't typed for 430ms, using a debounced function.
this.debouncedMakeRequest = debounce(this.debouncedMakeRequest, 430);
handleInput(e) {
let query = e.currentTarget.value;
if (query === "") {
this.setState({ query: "" });
} else {
debouncedMakeRequest() {
if (this.props.location.pathname === "/search" ) {