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Decoding DSA


Why DSA?

Todays World contains a lots and lots of the data. When you need to deal with the data you must store it somewhere and storing it doesnโ€™t finish our work right? Because you need to fetch it whenever it is required and perform related operations on it. In what way you store your data have a lot to deal with how fast you can fetch and work on it. If you give your data a proper structure, we can easily perform required operations on it.

Let us consider Facebook, have you ever wondered how will it work in the background? and how can it show the mutual friends? and all. It is because of the DSA behind the code. For finding the mutual friends, can you guess what data structure is used?, It is graph, with the help of graphs we can work on the connections. Moreover, it is one of the most important aspect to crack the interviews and tests for product based companies.

The data structures used to solve the problems in this repo will be basics like arrays, strings to advanced topics like trees and linked list

Resources which you can follow for DSA:


  • Take a look at the Existing Issues of your project and find one that interests you or create your own Issues!
  • Tag the repository maintainers or issue creators to assign that issue to you.
  • Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you after which you can start working on it.
  • Fork the Repo and create a Branch for any Issue that you are working upon.
  • Create a Pull Request which will be promptly reviewed and suggestions would be added to improve it.
  • Once your PR is approved, you changes will be merged into the project.
  • Add Screenshots to help us know what this Script is all about.
  • Repository specific contribution information is in the respective READMEs of each repo.
  • Do not abuse and/or use bad language. Ensure you don't insult anyone. Be respectful and inclusive.
  • Please mention your full name on your GitHub handle to be eligible for prizes.

You can take up any of the existing issues and solve those problems or create a new issue with a question and contribute your solution to it!
Contribution period ends: 22 December 2022

How to get started?

You can refer to the following resources on Git and Github to get started and contact our Project Mentors via Discord if you have any doubts.


  • Top 3 contributors ๐Ÿ
    Special prize | Swag Kits | Shoutouts on Social Media handles | Certificate of appreciation

  • Top 5 female contributors ๐Ÿ
    Special prize | Swag Kits | Shoutouts on Social Media handles | Certificate of appreciation

  • Top 10 contributors ๐Ÿ
    Shoutouts on Social Media handles | Swag kits and lots of exciting goodies | Certificate of appreciation

  • Top 25 contributors ๐Ÿ
    Swag kits and lots of exciting goodies | Certificate of appreciation

  • All the contributors will get a certificate of appreciation for their first successful pull request

Join our Discord to stay in touch with project mentors and for any furthur questions.


To submit questions and answers for DSA.






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