Scala-parser-combinators 1.1.0
Scala-parser-combinators 1.1.0 is now available!
Scala-parser-combinators 1.1.0 is a feature release and is not binary compatible with previous 1.0.x versions.
There were 3 noteworthy changes in this release:
- #139 Scala 2.13.0-M3 is now supported - #138
- #38 Add non backtracking versions of
- #97 Move PagedSeq from scala-library to parser-combinators - #71
It is available for Scala 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13.0-M3:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.0"
And for Scala-js 0.6.x:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %%% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.0"
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!
According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges v1.0.3..v1.1.0
, 16 people contributed to v1.1.0: Antoine Gourlay, Lukas Rytz, Antonio Alonso Dominguez, Tomas Janousek, Arnout Engelen, Seth Tisue, Amal Elshihaby, Eduardo Gulias Davis, Todd O'Bryan, Adriaan Moors, Clark Kampfe, Jan Bessai, Janek Bogucki, Ladinu Chandrasinghe, Sébastien Doeraene, Zandbee.