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A tiny release tool to support multi distribution(IPA) on iOS development.


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Relax is a lazy(yes, just for laziness) release tool for iOS developers who don't want to be bothering with codesign and Xcode stuffs!!

You just configure scheme and provisioning_profile to build archive and IPA files.

You don't need to waste your time for codesigning problem especially on your CI workflow. Relax will save your time. It's hard to understand xcodebuild stuff, for example, codesigning mechanism. Relax takes care of much of the hassle of them. so you can focus on development.

Relax is not faster than xcodebuild, but more simple.

Relax is..

  • Easy
    • You just configure scheme, provisioning_profile.
    • Relax generates an ExportOptions.plist from provisioning_profile.
    • Relax switches the codesigning mode from Automatic to Manual automatically.
  • Reproducible
    • Relax builds an app only on 'Manual' signing mode to prevent codesigning problems and make a build reproducible.
    • You can create an isolated keychain db with Relax. You could reproduce a build in your local machine as well if you use it. See keychain command.
  • Fine-tunable
    • Relfile helps you to configure and understand multi distributions(i.e. ad-hoc, enterprise & app-store) having a few differences on code signing, Info.plist, Build Settings.
    • You no longer need to use many xcconfig files or build configurations in your project for the differences.


You need to create a provisioning profile for your identity(certificate) and install them to a build machine by yourself because Relax doesn't access to Apple Developer Center for security reasons.

But relax profile add and relax keychain add help you to install them and resolve permissions for your identities in your keychain. I highly recommend to use those commands. See here and here.



$ brew install scenee/formulae/relax

Install script

$ curl -fsSL | bash


  • macOS 10.11+
  • Xcode8.0+

NOTE: Relax might be working on Xcode 7.3.1

Relax depends on only command line tools pre-installed in macOS and Xcode. You don't need to take care of a host environment(i.e. ruby version and gem settings). As a result, You can set up iOS build environment on a new machine quickly including keychain and provisioning profiles.

Build an IPA

$ relax init
$ relax dist adhoc

You can build it without Relfile in one line.

$ relax dist /path/to/xcodeproj_or_xcworkspace --scheme scheme_name --profile profile_name
$ # OR
$ relax dist /path/to/xcodeproj_or_xcworkspace -s scheme_name -p profile_name


Relfile is a configuration file for Relax. The declarative file will really make you easy to understand how to customize Info.plist and build settings for a distribution. See here for detail.

Here is an example.

version: '2'

workspace: SampleApp
    # Required
    scheme: SampleApp
    provisioning_profile: 'Relax Adhoc'

    # Optional
    version: '1.0.1'
    configuration: Debug
    bundle_version: '$BUILD_NUMBER'  # You can use shell environment variables!
      CFBundleName: 'SmapleApp(Debug)'
        - com.example.test-accessory
        - '-DMOCK'
      compileBitcode: false

    # Required
    scheme: SampleApp
    provisioning_profile: 'Relax Enterprise'

    # Optional
    bundle_identifier: com.scenee.SampleApp
    bundle_version: '%b-%h-$c'  # See 'Bundle Version Format section'
        - com.example.accessory

    # Required
    scheme: Sample Framework

    # Optional
    configuration: Release

log_formatter: xcpretty # Optional

Use Environment variables in Relfile

You can use Environment variables in Relfile. That's much useful in CI services. For example,

  scheme: Sample App
  bundle_version: $BUILD_NUMBER
$ BUILD_NUMBER=11 relax archive development2


$ export BUILD_NUMBER=11
$ relax archive development2

But, you know, you can't use Xcode build setting variables (like PRODUCT_NAME etc.) in Relfile because they can be overridden by Relfile's definitions.

Export Option Support

Option Response status
compileBitcode OK
embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle Not supported
iCloudContainerEnvironment Not supported
manifest Not supported
method Auto-assigned 'ad-hoc', 'app-store', 'development' or 'enterprise' from provisioning_profile.
onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL Not supported
teamID Auto-assigned from provisioning_profile.
provisioningProfiles Auto-assigned from provisioning_profile.
signingCertificate Auto-assigned 'iPhone Developer' or 'iPhone Distribution' from provisioning_profile.
signingStyle Auto-assigned 'automatic' or 'manual' determined from provisioning_profile.
thinning OK
uploadBitcode OK
uploadSymbols OK

Bundle Version Format

You can use specific format characters in a value of bundle_version field. The characters and their meanings are as follows.

Character Meaning
%c Build configuration
%h Git abbreviated commit hash
%b Git branch name


Create an archive file

$ relax archive dev

Export an archive file to an IPA file

$ relax export "/path/to/xcarchive"
$ # OR
$ relax export dev

Validate an IPA file

Check a IPA file if it has a correct codesigning and entitlements.

$ relax validate "$(relax show adhoc ipa)"

You can also validate an archive file.

Resign an IPA file for an enterprise distribution

Resign an IPA file for a distribution with a different bundle identifier, certificate and provisioning profile.

$ relax resign -m "com.mycompany.SampleApp" -p "<enterprise-provisioning-profile>" -c "iPhone Distribution: My Company"  "$(relax show dev ipa)"
$ relax validate SampleApp-resigned.ipa

Symbolicate a crash log

$ relax symbolicate sampleapp.crash SampleApp.xcarchive

keychain commands

The keychain module commands make you free from keychain stuff and prevent a codesign build break! Actually this is an useful wrapper of security command.

Run here and see this script for detail.

$ relax help keychain

profile commands

The profile module commands make it easy to find, use or remove provisioning profiles without Xcode Preferences.

Run here and see this script for detail.

$ relax help profile

Known Issues

  • Homebrew(0.9.x) failed to update Relax. Please use Homebrew(1.1.2+) with brewe update.
  • Relax hasn't yet support Carthage. If you use it, Relax might not be working well. I'm glad for you to make a pull request to support it!
  • stty: stdin isn't a terminal can be printed on a CI build server, but Relax is working well.