Java application for managing the txtr beagle
jBeagle supports
- Listing the books present on the beagle
- Deleting books
- Uploading PDF documents as ebooks
jBeagle is based on
- bluecove for bluetooth support
- jzlib for image compression
- JPedal for PDF rendering
- the txtr beagle analysis of Florian Echtler
- and Ligius
jBeagle is released under the GNU GPL.
- Pair the beagle with your PC using the operating system mechanisms
- Switch the beagle into bluetooth mode (switch on, then hold the power key until the light flashes blue)
- Start jBeagle
jBeagle then shows a list of books present on the beagle. You can select a book and click Delete to remove the book. Click Upload and select a PDF file to upload it as a new book (You can use Calibre to convert EPUB to PDF).
Option 1:
- Import the project into Eclipse (Java + M2E)
- Run the class de.schierla.jbeagle.ui.JBeagle as a Java application
Option 2:
- compile project using mvn package
- Execute the resulting file target/jbeagle-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar