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Explanation of Spreadsheet Column Headers

Ken Lui edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 2 revisions

The following is a table that explains the CSV spreadsheet output column headers.

Column Description Repeatable Field
DatasetTitle Title of the dataset. No
DatasetURL HTTP URL of the dataset. No
DS_Path Path of any relevant dataverse subcollections (relative path - starting from the defined base collection) No
ID The unique identifier for a version of a dataset under the Dataverse system. No
DatasetPersistentId Dataset's external persistent identifier (such as a hdl, doi etc). No
DatasetId The unique persistent identifier under the Dataverse system. No
VersionState The version state (DRAFT or RELEASED) of the dataset. No
LastUpdateTime The last modification made to the dataset. No
ReleaseTime The release (publish) date and time. No
CreateTime The create date and time. No
Version Current version of the dataset in format V.v (e.g., 3.0) No
FileCount Total number of files in the dataset. No
FileSize Total size of all files in dataset (in byes). No
FileSize_normalized Total size of all files in dataset (in KB). No
License License that is applied to the dataset. No
RestrictedFiles Number of restricted files in the dataset. No
TermsOfUse The 'Terms of Use' text (would only appear if a 'Custom Dataset Terms' is seleted for License/Data Use Agreement) No
RequestAcces Value in the request access field. No
TermsAccess Terms of access for restricted files field has a value. No
DF_Hierarchy There is a file hierarchy visisble (in tree tab) No
DF_Tags Tags are applied to data files No
DF_Description Data files have descriptions No
CM_Subtitle Value in Subtitle field No
CM_AltTitle Value in Alternative Title field. Yes
CM_AltURL Value in the Alternative URL field No
CM_Agency Value in Agency Field. Yes
CM_ID Value in Identifer field. Yes
CM_NumberAuthors Number of authors listed. Yes
CM_Author Value in Author field. No
CM_AuthorAff Value in Author Affiliation field. Yes
CM_AuthorIDType Value in Author Identifier type. Yes
CM_AuthorID Value in Author Identifier Yes
CM_ContactName Value in Contact Name Yes
CM_ContactAff Value in Contact Affiliation field. Yes
CM_Descr Value in Description field. Yes
CM_DescrDate Value in Description Date field. Yes
CM_Subject Value in the Subject field. Multiple selections possible - same field
CM_Subject_Agri Agricultural Sciences subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_AH Arts and Humanities subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Astro Astronomy and Astrophysics subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_BM Business and Management subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Chem Chemistry subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Comp Computer and Information Science subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_EES Earth and Environmental Sciences subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Eng Engineering subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Law Law subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Math Math subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Med Medicine, Health and Life Sciences subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Phys Physics subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_SocSci Social Sciences subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Subject_Other Other subject applied to dataset. No
CM_Keyword Number of keywords applied to dataset (note: if multiple keywords entered in single field, count this as one keyword). Yes
CM_KeywordVocab Value of Controlled Vocabulary specificed for keyword. Yes
CM_KeywordURI URL included for Controlled Vocabulary URL field. Yes
CM_TopicTerm Value in Term field in Topic Classification. Yes
CM_TopicVocab Value in Controlled Vocabulary Name filed in topic Classificaiton Yes
CM_TopicURL URL included in Controlled Vocabulary URL field in Topic Classification. Yes
CM_PubCit Value in Related Publication - Citation field Yes
CM_PubIDType Value in Related Publication - Identifier Type field. Yes
CM_PubID Value in Related Publication - Identifier field. Yes
CM_PubURL Value in URL - Related Publication field. Yes
CM_Notes Value in Notes field. No
CM_Lang Value in Language field. Yes
CM_ProdName Producer Name field has a value. Yes
CM_ProdAff Producer Affiliation field has a value. Yes
CM_ProdAbrev Producer Abreviation Name field has a value. Yes
CM_ProdURL Value in Producer URL field. Yes
CM_ProdLogo Producer Logo URL field has a value. Yes
CM_ProdDate Value in Production Date field. No
CM_ProdLocation Value in Production Location field. Yes
CM_ContribType Value in Contributor Type field. Yes
CM_ContribName Contributor Name filed has a value. Yes
CM_FundingAgency Finding Information - Agency field has a value. Yes
CM_FundingID Funding Information - ID field has a value. Yes
CM_DisName Distributor Name field has a value. Yes
CM_DisAff Distributor Affiliation field has a value. Yes
CM_DisAbbrev Distributor Abbreviation field has a value. Yes
CM_DisURL Value in Distributor URL field. Yes
CM_DisLogoURL Distributor URL logo field has a value. Yes
CM_DisDate Distribution Date field has a value. No
CM_Depositor Depositor field has a value. No
CM_DepositDate Deposit Date field has a value. No
CM_TimeStart Time Period Covered start field has a value. Yes
CM_TimeEnd Time Period Covered end field has a value. Yes
CM_CollectionStart Date of Collection Start field has a value. Yes
CM_CollectionEnd Date of Collection End field has a value. Yes
CM_DataType Value in Data Type field. Yes
CM_SeriesName Value in Series Name field. No
CM_SeriesInfo Value in Series Information field. No
CM_SoftwareName Value in Software Name field. Yes
CM_SoftwareVers Value in Software Version field. Yes
CM_RelMaterial Value in Related Material field. Yes
CM_RelDatasets Value in Related Datasets field. Yes
CM_OtherRef Value in Other Reference field. Yes
CM_DataSources Value in Data Sources field. Yes
CM_OriginSources Value in Origin of Sources field. No
CM_CharSources Value in Characteistic of Sources field. No
CM_DocSources Value in Documentation and Access to Sources field. No
Meta_Geo Minimum one field from the Geospatial Metadata block is used. No
Meta_SSHM Minimum one field from the Social Science and Humanities Metadata block is used. No
Meta_Astro Minimum one field from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Metadata block is used. No
Meta_LS Minimum one field from the Life Science Metadata block is used. No
Meta_Journal Minimum one field from the Journal Metadata block is used. No
Meta_CWF Minimum one field from the Computational Workflow Metadata block is used. No
DS_Permission Status of whether Collaborator/Permission metadata is avaliable (TRUE/False) No
DS_Collab Number of roles assigned for DS_Admin, DS_Contrib, DS_ContribPlus, DS_Curator, DS_FileDown, DS_Member No
DS_Admin Number of collaborators with Admin status No
DS_Contrib Number of collaborators with contributor status. No
DS_ContribPlus Number of collaborators with contributor plus status. No
DS_Curator Number of collaborators with curator status. No
DS_FileDown Number of collaborators with file downloader status. No
DS_Member Number of collaborators with member status. No
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