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Explanation of Spreadsheet Column Headers
Ken Lui edited this page Jan 30, 2025
2 revisions
The following is a table that explains the CSV spreadsheet output column headers.
Column | Description | Repeatable Field |
DatasetTitle | Title of the dataset. | No |
DatasetURL | HTTP URL of the dataset. | No |
DS_Path | Path of any relevant dataverse subcollections (relative path - starting from the defined base collection) | No |
ID | The unique identifier for a version of a dataset under the Dataverse system. | No |
DatasetPersistentId | Dataset's external persistent identifier (such as a hdl, doi etc). | No |
DatasetId | The unique persistent identifier under the Dataverse system. | No |
VersionState | The version state (DRAFT or RELEASED) of the dataset. | No |
LastUpdateTime | The last modification made to the dataset. | No |
ReleaseTime | The release (publish) date and time. | No |
CreateTime | The create date and time. | No |
Version | Current version of the dataset in format V.v (e.g., 3.0) | No |
FileCount | Total number of files in the dataset. | No |
FileSize | Total size of all files in dataset (in byes). | No |
FileSize_normalized | Total size of all files in dataset (in KB). | No |
License | License that is applied to the dataset. | No |
RestrictedFiles | Number of restricted files in the dataset. | No |
TermsOfUse | The 'Terms of Use' text (would only appear if a 'Custom Dataset Terms' is seleted for License/Data Use Agreement) | No |
RequestAcces | Value in the request access field. | No |
TermsAccess | Terms of access for restricted files field has a value. | No |
DF_Hierarchy | There is a file hierarchy visisble (in tree tab) | No |
DF_Tags | Tags are applied to data files | No |
DF_Description | Data files have descriptions | No |
CM_Subtitle | Value in Subtitle field | No |
CM_AltTitle | Value in Alternative Title field. | Yes |
CM_AltURL | Value in the Alternative URL field | No |
CM_Agency | Value in Agency Field. | Yes |
CM_ID | Value in Identifer field. | Yes |
CM_NumberAuthors | Number of authors listed. | Yes |
CM_Author | Value in Author field. | No |
CM_AuthorAff | Value in Author Affiliation field. | Yes |
CM_AuthorIDType | Value in Author Identifier type. | Yes |
CM_AuthorID | Value in Author Identifier | Yes |
CM_ContactName | Value in Contact Name | Yes |
CM_ContactAff | Value in Contact Affiliation field. | Yes |
CM_Descr | Value in Description field. | Yes |
CM_DescrDate | Value in Description Date field. | Yes |
CM_Subject | Value in the Subject field. | Multiple selections possible - same field |
CM_Subject_Agri | Agricultural Sciences subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_AH | Arts and Humanities subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Astro | Astronomy and Astrophysics subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_BM | Business and Management subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Chem | Chemistry subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Comp | Computer and Information Science subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_EES | Earth and Environmental Sciences subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Eng | Engineering subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Law | Law subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Math | Math subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Med | Medicine, Health and Life Sciences subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Phys | Physics subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_SocSci | Social Sciences subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Subject_Other | Other subject applied to dataset. | No |
CM_Keyword | Number of keywords applied to dataset (note: if multiple keywords entered in single field, count this as one keyword). | Yes |
CM_KeywordVocab | Value of Controlled Vocabulary specificed for keyword. | Yes |
CM_KeywordURI | URL included for Controlled Vocabulary URL field. | Yes |
CM_TopicTerm | Value in Term field in Topic Classification. | Yes |
CM_TopicVocab | Value in Controlled Vocabulary Name filed in topic Classificaiton | Yes |
CM_TopicURL | URL included in Controlled Vocabulary URL field in Topic Classification. | Yes |
CM_PubCit | Value in Related Publication - Citation field | Yes |
CM_PubIDType | Value in Related Publication - Identifier Type field. | Yes |
CM_PubID | Value in Related Publication - Identifier field. | Yes |
CM_PubURL | Value in URL - Related Publication field. | Yes |
CM_Notes | Value in Notes field. | No |
CM_Lang | Value in Language field. | Yes |
CM_ProdName | Producer Name field has a value. | Yes |
CM_ProdAff | Producer Affiliation field has a value. | Yes |
CM_ProdAbrev | Producer Abreviation Name field has a value. | Yes |
CM_ProdURL | Value in Producer URL field. | Yes |
CM_ProdLogo | Producer Logo URL field has a value. | Yes |
CM_ProdDate | Value in Production Date field. | No |
CM_ProdLocation | Value in Production Location field. | Yes |
CM_ContribType | Value in Contributor Type field. | Yes |
CM_ContribName | Contributor Name filed has a value. | Yes |
CM_FundingAgency | Finding Information - Agency field has a value. | Yes |
CM_FundingID | Funding Information - ID field has a value. | Yes |
CM_DisName | Distributor Name field has a value. | Yes |
CM_DisAff | Distributor Affiliation field has a value. | Yes |
CM_DisAbbrev | Distributor Abbreviation field has a value. | Yes |
CM_DisURL | Value in Distributor URL field. | Yes |
CM_DisLogoURL | Distributor URL logo field has a value. | Yes |
CM_DisDate | Distribution Date field has a value. | No |
CM_Depositor | Depositor field has a value. | No |
CM_DepositDate | Deposit Date field has a value. | No |
CM_TimeStart | Time Period Covered start field has a value. | Yes |
CM_TimeEnd | Time Period Covered end field has a value. | Yes |
CM_CollectionStart | Date of Collection Start field has a value. | Yes |
CM_CollectionEnd | Date of Collection End field has a value. | Yes |
CM_DataType | Value in Data Type field. | Yes |
CM_SeriesName | Value in Series Name field. | No |
CM_SeriesInfo | Value in Series Information field. | No |
CM_SoftwareName | Value in Software Name field. | Yes |
CM_SoftwareVers | Value in Software Version field. | Yes |
CM_RelMaterial | Value in Related Material field. | Yes |
CM_RelDatasets | Value in Related Datasets field. | Yes |
CM_OtherRef | Value in Other Reference field. | Yes |
CM_DataSources | Value in Data Sources field. | Yes |
CM_OriginSources | Value in Origin of Sources field. | No |
CM_CharSources | Value in Characteistic of Sources field. | No |
CM_DocSources | Value in Documentation and Access to Sources field. | No |
Meta_Geo | Minimum one field from the Geospatial Metadata block is used. | No |
Meta_SSHM | Minimum one field from the Social Science and Humanities Metadata block is used. | No |
Meta_Astro | Minimum one field from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Metadata block is used. | No |
Meta_LS | Minimum one field from the Life Science Metadata block is used. | No |
Meta_Journal | Minimum one field from the Journal Metadata block is used. | No |
Meta_CWF | Minimum one field from the Computational Workflow Metadata block is used. | No |
DS_Permission | Status of whether Collaborator/Permission metadata is avaliable (TRUE/False) | No |
DS_Collab | Number of roles assigned for DS_Admin, DS_Contrib, DS_ContribPlus, DS_Curator, DS_FileDown, DS_Member | No |
DS_Admin | Number of collaborators with Admin status | No |
DS_Contrib | Number of collaborators with contributor status. | No |
DS_ContribPlus | Number of collaborators with contributor plus status. | No |
DS_Curator | Number of collaborators with curator status. | No |
DS_FileDown | Number of collaborators with file downloader status. | No |
DS_Member | Number of collaborators with member status. | No |