- Get/set dates and times in remote timezones
- Global support for Daylight Savings Time, leap years + seconds, and hemispheres
- Orient by quarter, season, month, and week
- Remote date comparison
- Written in ES2015 JS, published as ES5, tested for Node and the browser
- Weighs in at just 35KB (which is 12KB gzipped…)
- Well tested, Apache2 licensed
- Made by your friendly friends at Begin
npm install spacetime --save
In Node:
npm test
var spacetime=require('spacetime')
// Some helpers
s = spacetime.now()
s = spacetime.today() // This morning
s = spacetime.tomorrow() // Tomorrow morning
// Date inputs
s = spacetime(1489520157) // Epoch
s = spacetime([2017, 5, 2]) // yyyy, m, d (zero-based months, 1-based days)
s = spacetime('July 2, 2017 5:01:00') // ISO
// Remotely understood date
s = spacetime(1489520157, 'Canada/Pacific')
// Get/set methods
s.date() // 14
s.year() // 2017
s.season() // Spring
s.hour(5) // Change to 5am
s.date(15) // Change to the 15th
s.day('monday') // Change to (this week's) monday
s.month('march') // Change to (this year's) March 1st
s.quarter(2) // Change to April 1st
// Add/subtract methods
s.add(1, 'week')
s.add(3, 'quarters')
s.subtract(2, 'months').add(1,'day')
// Timezone metadata
s.timezone().name // 'Canada/Eastern' (either inferred or explicit)
s.timezone().hemisphere // North
s.timezone().current.offset // -240 (in minutes)
s.timezone().current.isDst // True
// Comparisons
let d = spacetime([2017, 5, 2])
// gt/lt/equals
s.isAfter(d) // True
s.isEqual(d) // False
s.isBefore(d) // False
// Comparison by unit
s.isSame(d, 'year') // True
s.isSame(d, 'date') // False
s.diff(d, 'day') // 5
s.diff(d, 'month') // 0
// Date + time ormatting
s.format('time') // '5:01am'
s.format('numeric-uk') // 02/03/2017
s.format('month') // 'April'
s.format('month-short') // 'Apr'
// Calendar-sensitive movement
s.startOf('day') // 12:00am
s.startOf('month') // 12:00am, April 1st
s.endOf('quarter') // 11:59:59pm, June 30th
// Percentage-based information
s.progress().month = 0.23 // We're a quarter way through the month
s.progress().day = 0.48 // Almost noon
s.progress().hour = 0.99 // 59 minutes and 59 seconds
// Misc functions
s.goto('Australia/Brisbane') // Roll into a new timezone, at the same moment
s.clone() // Make a copy
s.isValid() // Sept 32nd → false
Image courtesy NASA 💕🚀🌌