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Sean McArthur edited this page Jan 8, 2014 · 3 revisions

ServiceDroid regularly saves a backup file to your device's SD card. If you have to wipe your phone, you should be able to restore from the SD card (since that usually doesn't get wiped as well). Upon installation, ServiceDroid will look for an existing backup file, and if found, use the data found in it.

If you are upgrading devices, you can have your data moved over by getting the backup file onto the other phone. This can be done by either: a) putting your old SD card into your new device, or b) plugging your old device into the computer, finding the folder "backups", with the file "ServiceDroidBackup.sdml" inside, and copying it to your new device's SD card.

Both solutions work, but they require that you do them prior to downloading and installing ServiceDroid. If you have already installed it before, you can uninstall easily enough.

It might be a good idea to copy the backup file over to your computer every so often if you have a lot of Calls, in case you lose your device, or otherwise damage it so that the SD card isn't functional either.

New Devices

Many newer phones have a separate storage location besides the SD card, and when they do, that's the only one ServiceDroid is able to access. If it didn't restore the data from your SD card, try plugging your phone into the computer, and moving the "backups" folder from the SD card onto the other "device". After that and a reinstall of ServiceDroid, your data should start to load in.

It's not reading the backup!

If you've followed the instructions, and it still doesn't seem to restore from the backup file, try this:

  1. Install ServiceDroid.
  2. Enter in a time record.
  3. Force a backup from the Stats screen (the 3-dots menu button).
  4. Connect your phone to your computer.
  5. Look for a "backups" folder, with a "ServiceDroidBackup.sdml" file inside. This file should only be a couple bytes. If you open the file, it shouldn't have very much in it.
  6. Move your real backup file to replace this new backup.
  7. Uninstall ServiceDroid.
  8. Install.
  9. Success.
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