So most of the time my life looks pretty much like this:
And honestly, it is what one can expect, when you are trying to manage 2 degrees, the accompanying self-study and the scattering of personal projects that I squeeze in there and topped off with my other extracurricular activities. The issue that this actually resulted in was that half of my brain was constantly in a state of panic wondering if I was missing any deadlines and scampering all over the place just hoping that I wasn't forgetting anything. Adding to that the fact that I have a memory of a goldfish, keeping track of things was a dense chore for me.
Yeah, I know, Ive had 3 previous attempts at solving this problem. The way that I like to think of them is that rather than individual attempts, I'd say the dashboard-inator is still in some way that naive attempt that I had made 2 years ago, to solve this intensely looming problem, just much more refined and much better. Think of it like an evolution that still has the soul and original purpose. Maybe the methods changed but the intent was always the same.
Well 'nuf talk, the gist of the project is that I use a custom-built popup browser extension to push data to my notion database via Google Appscript, which along the way populates my Google calendar and extracts tasks from the notion database that are dude today, this week or this month and pushing them to my Gkeep as individual notes. That way in one glance on my phone I can see my today's upcoming tasks. Once this is done, every day a Appscript reads the notes from my Gkeep and uses these to populate my second extension. This extension overrides the default new tab page and displays the upcoming tasks on it.
Steps to use:
- Create and setup the Gsheets
- Setup Gcal and create required calendars
- Run and fill in req details
- Use generated appscript code to to deploy 5 endpoints
- Create 2 triggers
- Enter endpoints into
- Deploy generated extension