It's the java library for validation of an input value using the configured set of assertions. It's possible to validate 3 types: String, Number and Map including nested validation for Map values (respectively available for String, Number and Map values).
Schema are comprised of assertions (tests) about the input value. Validate an input value to run the set of assertions. Chain together methods to build a schema.
String methods:
- required() - set a requirement that is not null or empty.
- minLength(length) - set a requirement of minimal length.
- contains(string) - set a requirement to contain string value.
Number methods:
- required() - set a requirement that is not null.
- positive() - set a requirement to be positive.
- range(min, max) - set a requirement to be between min and max.
Map methods:
- required() - set a requirement that is not null.
- sizeof(size) - set a requirement to have a specified size.
- shape(Map<?, BaseSchema<T>>) - set a requirement to Map value according to built schema.
Common method:
- isValid(inputValue) - return boolean value of validation according to built schema.
import hexlet.code.Validator;
import hexlet.code.schemas.MapSchema;
import hexlet.code.schemas.BaseSchema;
var v = new Validator();
var schema =;
schema.isValid(null); // true
schema.isValid(null); // false
var data = new HashMap<String, String>();
data.put("key1", "value1");
data.put("key2", "value2");
schema.isValid(data); // true
Map<String, BaseSchema<String>> schemas = new HashMap<>();
schemas.put("firstName", v.string().required());
schemas.put("lastName", v.string().required().minLength(2));
Map<String, String> human = new HashMap<>();
human.put("firstName", "Anna");
human.put("lastName", "B");
schema.isValid(human); // false