Electrical Engineer by Day, Data Scientist by Night
🚧 Working on:
- Safety Constrained Control of Systems with High-IBR Penetration
- Robust Classification of Faults via PMU Data
🌱 Learning:
- Modelling Electric Machines and Drives
- Arc Flash Calculation and Simulation
- PyPSA for Energy Planning
🌐 Looking to collaborate on:
- Augmented Synchronization
- Safety Constrained Control
- PSRC.jl - A library for open-source power system protection
🎓 Ask me about:
- Open Source Power System Analysis
- Protective Relaying
📫 Reach me at:
- Email: [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact:
- Notioner
- Loves sports: running, rowing and climbing
- Favourite food is Callaloo
PSCAD, EMTP-RV, SKM Power Tools, MATLAB Simulink, HiGHS, PyPSA, QGIS, EasyPower
- Julia
- Python
- C++
- LaTeX
R and C as well, but rarely.
- Inverter-based technologies
- Open-source e-mobility
- Load forecasting
- Synthetic Grid Generation and Energy Planning
- Distributed Energy Resource Planning
- Grid Automation
- Power System Protection and Control