2023 - Q4
February 1, 2024
We're proud to release 2023.Q4. This release makes a number of improvements to our literature screening workflow, an assessment dashboard to highlight key analytics for your project, and a long-needed refresh for improving flexibility and performance of our data exports used in visualizations. Finally, we added a new visual type - an image upload, so we can more easily allow for other visualization types for which HAWC may not be capable of creating.
In the last six months we've released a number of updates in the literature screening module, and we've had some real-world applications which helped identify a few improvements to make the module more intuitive. The first is a workflow system, which allows users to set rules to create workflows for literature (for example, a title/abstract review, a full-text review, etc.). In addition, we added a bulk merge feature to conflict resolutions - this should make it easier to rapidly resolve conflicts, or accept all tags even if only one user has reviewed them (which can be helpful in some situations). We hope you'll find these features useful!
We have a few features that we're close to releasing that we made great progress on with this release. The first is an internal documentation site, so we can better add content for how to use HAWC and keep it up to date for our user base. The second is dramatic performance improvements to our exports, which should make them more flexible, and easier to add to new parts of our app (along with new visualization types). The third are user defined fields, which should be added in the future to our literature screening workflow as well as key data extraction models. We hope that these features will be available in our next release.
A total of 50 pull requests were merged into HAWC from 2023-10-07 to 2024-01-18. The complete changelog is described in summary below; see the emoji legend which describes how changes are categorized:
Global Updates:
- 🚀 Allow Sharepoint (sharepoint.com), Zenodo (zenodo.org), and Canadian Government (canada.ca) hyperlinks #924 #949
- 🚀 Add new option for users to show HAWC in debug mode #951
- 📄 Add a documentation application to add internal documentation for HAWC editors #950
- 🛠️ Update EPA flavor of application to use 2023 style guide #945 #960
Literature Review:
Study Evaluation / Risk of Bias:
Data Extraction: Animal Bioassay:
Data Extraction: Epidemiology:
Data Extraction: In Vitro:
- 🧪 Rewrite exports for improved performance #958
Developer/Security updates:
- 🔒 Update to Python 3.12 #967
- 🔒 Update to Django 5 #959
- 🔒 Update python packages to most recent versions #928 #929
- 🔒 Update pydantic to v2 #948
- 🛠️ Improve view/form test code coverage #905
- 🛠️ Remove/refactor unused and duplicative code #799 #925 #926 #931
- 🛠️ Standardize template tags for easier use #920 #923
- 🛠️ Standardize assessment level APIs #935
- 🛠️ Standardize caching patterns #940
- 🛠️ Replace black with ruff formatter #942
- 🐞 Remove broken Zenodo badge from readme #954
- 🐞 Fix flaky tests to improve code stability #943 #968
Emoji legend:
- 🚀 Feature - this is a new feature or improvement to the existing application
- 🧪 In Progress - a feature actively under development; may not yet be available in production
- 🐞 Bug - fixed an error in the current software
- 📄 Documentation - updated user/developer documentation
- 🔒 Security Updates - security related updates
- 🛠️ Developer Tools - updated internal tooling for a better developer experience