Launch with recong-ng
from terminal
Using for finding vulnerabilities in web
Launch with cd knockpy && knockpy
Using for finding domains
Launch with nmap -sV -oN results.txt
Using for finding open ports on the hosting server
Nice guide: click me
- -sSV - Makes nmap carry out a SYN Scan meaning that it only sends a syn command to the target if the server responds with a SYN/ACK (synchronization acknowledged) packet from a particular port, it means the port is open. The V flag means carry out a version scan of the open ports that nmap discovers.
- -p- - Instructs nmap to scan all 65535 ports (1-65535), you can also use -p 0-65535 to include port 0, which in very rare cases will return as open however nothing runs on it by default.
- -iL - This flag allows nmap to take an input file containing either domains or IP addresses.
- -oA - Outputs the scan results to the three available formats: .xml, .nmap, .gnmap.
- --min-parallelism 64 - Specifies the minimum amount of parallel processes at one time. This combined with --min-hostgroup 96 are both performance flags59 for nmap.
- --min-hostgroup 96 - Specifies the minimum amount of hosts to scan in a group.
- -T4 - Specifies a more specific form of timing performance which tunes up more of the flags for timeouts and more.
- --version-all - Sends additional probes in order to identify a more specific version of the service running on an open port.
- --reason - Forces nmap to print out the reason as to why a port was determined as open, all going well this should be SYN/ACK as the reason.
- --open - Selects to only show open ports, I use this on and off depending on what I am scanning.
Launch with cd /opt/metasploit-framework/bin && ./msfconsole
Pentesting framework
How was I supposed to know
You covered creaky door
Launch with arp -a
Mapping MACs to IP
Full documentation and installation guide here
Tool for descovering vulnerabilities in application. Best knows for fidnding interesting dirs' names.