The purpose of this GitHub organization is to SHARE IoT Know-How (KH) and How-To (HT).
Sheer means a lot of things. Look it up.
Start with a VM
- Cloud VM - a public repository that can be used to create environments and VMs on AWS and Azure.
- Build Storage for Terraform State (aka tfstate) retention
- Build Azure Network or AWS VPC
- Build VM
- Setup .ssh/config and connect
Using this Repo:
Currently needs Certbot managed manually.
The RF Field Surveyor (aka Surveyor) is a Django (python) web application that can be used to query an InfluxDB and provide LoRaWAN peformance data and visuals.
- [RF Field Surveyor - Public repo][(
Here, a visual:
This is where it began but these repos are now obsolete
Two repositories are now public:
- use this terraform to create a new storage account (for terraform state), network, and virtual machine (linux) on Azure
forked and pruned from MCCI docker-iot-dashboard
creates an open-source docker-compose stack
- nginx - a web server
- mosquitto - an MQTT broker
- node-red - flow-based programming (low-code) for IoT triggers and actions
- influxdb - time-series data storage