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Tomer Sagi edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Ontobuilder wiki!

Ontobuilder is a schema matching system. For usage instructions as part of ORE, see the ORE repository.

Building Ontobuilder for inclusion in ORE

To build the ontobuilder jars for inclusion in the ORE project use the ANT build script under choose the 'Build without GUI' option. The built jar and config directories will be built into a folder named Ontobuilder under the directory.

Building with a GUI

Building with GUI allows one to run Ontobuilder independently without using ORE using a batch file that is generated alongside the jars. Again, use the ANT build script under choose the 'Build with GUI' option. The built jar and config directories will be built into a folder named Ontobuilder under the directory.

Building with maven

Use the maven branch. Run mvn process-resources and then mvn test to test the setup. To build the jars use mvn install from each module you want to build, starting with the core module. The resulting jars will be in the target folder.

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