Home | History and Motivation | Technology Overview | Installation and Set Up | Using 3rd Party Containers | Example Web Application | Building Container Images | Container Registries | Running Containers | Container Security | Interacting with Docker Objects | Development Workflows | Deploying Containers
Docker Desktop: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
Docker Engine: https://get.docker.com/
Note: See 02-technology-overview for a description of the difference between Docker Desktop and Docker Engine. If you are installing on your development system, you will most likely want Docker Desktop.
The default settings are likely fine for getting started, but if you begin to run more intensive applications, you may want to adjust the resources available to Docker. This can be done within the settings panel in the GUI.
Hello World:
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay "Hey Team! 👋"
Run Postgres:
docker run \
--env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobarbaz \
--publish 5432:5432 \