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VinithSamson11 authored Jan 21, 2024
1 parent b638eb7 commit 8b9f174
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 70 deletions.
163 changes: 93 additions & 70 deletions postpic/datareader/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ def _getindexfile(path):
_generateh5indexfile(indexfile, h5files)
return indexfile

class SmileiReader(OpenPMDreader):
The Smilei reader can read a single h5 file or combine the information of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,18 +121,22 @@ def __init__(self, h5file, iteration=None):
raise IOError("Iteration {} is in valid".format(iteration))
self._iteration = int(iteration)

self._data = self._h5['/data/{:010d}/'.format(self._iteration)]
self.attrs = self._data.attrs

#To return the number of AM modes and Field names in the dump.
def getAMmodes(self):
mask = np.array(["_mode_" in s for s in strings])
def getAMmodes(self):
This method is used to get the prefix of field names and
No.of AM modes available in the dump.
And it works only for AM mode technique.
strings = np.array(self._data)
mask = np.array(["_mode_" in s for s in strings])
arr = strings[mask]
max_suffix = float('-inf')
max_suffix_string = None
prefix_list = []

for i in arr:
prefix, suffix = i.split('_mode_')
Expand All @@ -141,46 +146,61 @@ def getAMmodes(self):
max_suffix_string = i

availModes=[i for i in range(0,int(max_suffix_string[-1])+1)]
return [prefix_list, int(max_suffix_string[-1])+1, availModes]

availModes = [i for i in range(0, int(max_suffix_string[-1])+1)]

# [field names prefix, available AM modes]
return [prefix_list, availModes]

def _modeexpansion_naiv(rawdata, theta=0, M=None):
def _modeexpansion_naiv(rawdata, theta=0):
converts to radial data using `modeexpansion`, possibly for multiple
theta at once.
This method performes mode expansion of the raw data (an array consisting of complex
numbers) for both single and multiple theta vaues.
The output array has the shape (No.of theta, Nx, Nr)
rawdata : numpy array
The elements of this array are complex numbers, this got structured from the
raw data dumped in h5 file through getExpanded(key, theta) function.
theta : float/integer OR list of floats/integer
Output F_total is an array of real numbers which has shape (Np.of theta, Nx, Nr),
this F_total is the real value summation of the fourier series.
if np.asarray(theta).shape is ():
# single theta
theta = [theta]
# multiple theta
#data = np.asarray([SmileiReader._modeexpansion_naiv_single(rawdata, theta=t)
# for t in theta])
# switch from (theta, r, z) to (r, theta, z)

(Nm, Nr, Nx) = rawdata.shape
F_total = np.zeros((Nt,Nr,Nx))
mode =[m for m in range(0,Nm)]

if M is not None:
if Nm ==1 and M not in SmileiReader.getAMmodes[-1]:
raise IOError('Mode {} not available in dump'.format(M))
Nt = len(theta)
(Nm, Nr, Nx) = rawdata.shape
F_total = np.zeros((Nt, Nr, Nx))
mode = [m for m in range(0, Nm)]

for t in theta:
if M is None:
for m in mode:
F_total[index] += np.real(rawdata[m])*np.cos(m*t)+np.imag(rawdata[m])*np.sin(m*t)
F_total[index] += np.real(rawdata[0])*np.cos(M*t)+np.imag(rawdata[0])*np.sin(M*t)
#F_total = F_total.swapaxes(0, 1)
index = theta.index(t)

for m in mode:
F_total[index] += np.real(rawdata[m])*np.cos(m*t)

return F_total

def getExpanded(self, key,theta=0):


def getExpanded(self, key, theta=0):
getExpanded() method converts the raw data real number array from h5file into
a complex number array (This convertion is important while performing mode expansion)
and finally returns the mode expanded array.
This method takes input from the h5files dump which has the following format,
field array = [[real_1,imag_1,real_2,image_2,.....],...]
The shape of this field array is (Nx, 2x Nr)
After real->complex conversion, the field array shape takes the form (Nx, Nr)
This final array is fed into _modeexpansion_naiv method.
array_list = []
modes = self.getAMmodes()[-1]
for mode in modes:

field_name = key+"_mode_"+str(mode)
Expand All @@ -189,38 +209,41 @@ def getExpanded(self, key,theta=0):
reshaped_array = field_array.reshape(field_array_shape[0], field_array_shape[1]//2, 2)
complex_array = reshaped_array[:, :, 0] + 1j * reshaped_array[:, :, 1]

mod_complex_data= np.stack(array_list,axis=0) #Modified array of shape (Nmodes, Nx, Nr)
#mod_complex_data = np.transpose(mod_complex_data, (0, 2, 1)) #Modified array of shape (Nmodes, Nr, Nx)
return SmileiReader._modeexpansion_naiv(rawdata=mod_complex_data,theta=theta)

def check_pattern(self,key):
match = [True if re.match(field_pattern, s) else False for s in list(self._data)]

return match

# Modified array of shape (Nmodes, Nx, Nr)
mod_complex_data = np.stack(array_list, axis=0)

return SmileiReader._modeexpansion_naiv(rawdata=mod_complex_data, theta=theta)

def data(self, key, **kwargs):
should work with any key, that contains data, thus on every hdf5.Dataset,
but not on hdf5.Group. Will extract the data, convert it to SI and return it
as a numpy array. Constant records will be detected and converted to
a numpy array containing a single value only.
If the key is in AM mode dump, then it performs the mode expansion.
The theta values for which we need to perform
mode expansion can be given as keyword args.
Data = data(key='El', theta=[0,pi/2,pi])
Now the Data array has the shape (3, Nx, Nr)

# checking whether the key is in AM mode dump
if key in self.getAMmodes()[0]:
return self.getExpanded(key=key, **kwargs)
record = self._data[key]

if "value" in record.attrs:
# constant data (a single int or float)
ret = np.float64(record.attrs['value']) * record.attrs['unitSI']
# array data
ret = np.float64(record[()]) * record.attrs['unitSI']
return ret

def _keyE(self, component, **kwargs):
# Smilei deviates from openPMD standard: Ex instead of E/x
axsuffix = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z', 90: 'r', 91: 't'}[helper.axesidentify[component]]
Expand All @@ -233,9 +256,9 @@ def _keyB(self, component, **kwargs):

def _simgridkeys(self):
# Smilei deviates from openPMD standard: Ex instead of E/x
return ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez','Er','El','Et',
'Bx', 'By', 'Bz','Br','Bl','Bt',
return ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Er', 'El', 'Et',
'Bx', 'By', 'Bz', 'Br', 'Bl', 'Bt',
'Jx', 'Jy', 'Jz', 'Jr', 'Jl', 'Jt', 'Rho']

def getderived(self):
Expand All @@ -250,43 +273,43 @@ def getderived(self):
def __str__(self):
return '<SmileiReader at "{}" at iteration {:d}>'.format(self.dumpidentifier,
# override inherited method to count points after mode expansion

# To get the offsets of the grid.
def gridoffset(self, key, axis):
axid = helper.axesidentify[axis]

if axid == 91: # theta
return 0
elif key in self.getAMmodes()[0] and axid in [0,90]:
elif key in self.getAMmodes()[0] and axid in [0, 90]:
key = "{}_mode_0".format(key)
axid = int(axid/90)
return super(SmileiReader, self).gridoffset(key=key, axis=axid)
return super(SmileiReader, self).gridoffset(key, axis)

# override inherited method to count points after mode expansion
# To get the grid spacing.
def gridspacing(self, key, axis):
axid = helper.axesidentify[axis]
if key in self.getAMmodes()[0] and axid in [0,90]:

if key in self.getAMmodes()[0] and axid in [0, 90]:
key = "{}_mode_0".format(key)
axid = int(axid/90)
return super(SmileiReader, self).gridspacing(key=key, axis=axid)
return super(SmileiReader, self).gridspacing(key, axis)
# override inherited method to count points after mode expansion

# To get the grid points
def gridpoints(self, key, axis):
axid = helper.axesidentify[axis]

if key in self.getAMmodes()[0]:
key = "{}_mode_0".format(key)
(Nx, Nr) = self._data[key].shape
axid =int(axid/90)
return (Nx,Nr)[axid]
Nr = Nr/2
axid = int(axid/90)
return (Nx, Nr)[axid]
return super(SmileiReader, self).gridpoints(key=key,axis=axis)
return super(SmileiReader, self).gridpoints(key=key, axis=axis)

class SmileiSeries(Simulationreader_ifc):
Expand Down

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