This is the backend for the SMSE project. It is a RESTful API that provides endpoints for the frontend to interact with the database and the models.
- Clone the repository
- Run
poetry install
to install the dependencies - Run
poetry shell
to activate the virtual environment - Run
flask db upgrade
to create the database - Run
to start the server
If you made changes to the models, you need to run flask db migrate
to generate a new migration file. After that, you need to run flask db upgrade
to apply the changes to the database.
- User Sends Credentials → Login Endpoint
- Server Validates Credentials
- Server Generates JWT Token
- Client Stores Token (usually in localStorage)
- Client Sends Token with Subsequent Requests
- Server Validates Token on Protected Routes
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Register a new user.
- Request Body:
{ "username": "string", "email": "string", "password": "string" }
- Responses:
201 Created
: User created successfully.{ "msg": "User created successfully" }
400 Bad Request
: Missing required fields or user already exists.{ "msg": "Missing required fields" }
{ "msg": "Username already exists" }
{ "msg": "Email already exists" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Login a user and get a JWT token.
- Request Body:
{ "username": "string", "password": "string" }
- Responses:
200 OK
: Login successful, returns JWT token.{ "access_token": "string" }
401 Unauthorized
: Invalid credentials.{ "msg": "Invalid credentials" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Refresh a JWT token.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Token refreshed successfully.{ "access_token": "string" }
401 Unauthorized
: Token expired or invalid.{ "msg": "Token has expired" }
{ "msg": "Invalid token" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Logout a user and revoke the JWT token.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Logout successful.{ "msg": "Logout successful" }
401 Unauthorized
: Invalid token.{ "msg": "Invalid token" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: A protected route that requires a valid JWT token.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the username of the authenticated user.{ "username": "string" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Get the details of the authenticated user.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the user details.{ "id": "integer", "username": "string", "email": "string", "created_at": "string" }
404 Not Found
: User not found.{ "message": "User not found" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Update the details of the authenticated user.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Request Body:
{ "username": "string", "email": "string" }
- Responses:
200 OK
: User updated successfully.{ "message": "User updated successfully", "user": { "id": "integer", "username": "string", "email": "string", "created_at": "string" } }
400 Bad Request
: Username or email already exists, or invalid email format.{ "message": "Username already exists" }
{ "message": "Email already exists" }
{ "message": "Invalid email address" }
404 Not Found
: User not found.{ "message": "User not found" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Delete the authenticated user.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: User deleted successfully.{ "message": "User deleted successfully" }
404 Not Found
: User not found.{ "message": "User not found" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Upload a new content file.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Request Body:
- Multipart form data with a file field.
- Responses:
201 Created
: Content created successfully.{ "message": "Content created successfully", "content": { "id": "integer", "content_path": "string", "content_tag": "boolean" } }
400 Bad Request
: No file part or file type not allowed.{ "msg": "No file part" }
{ "msg": "No selected file" }
{ "msg": "File type not allowed" }
500 Internal Server Error
: Error creating content.{ "message": "Error creating content" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Get all contents for the authenticated user.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns a list of contents.{ "contents": [ { "id": "integer", "content_path": "string", "content_tag": "boolean" } ] }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Get a specific content by its ID.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the content details.{ "content": { "id": "integer", "content_path": "string", "content_tag": "boolean" } }
404 Not Found
: Content not found.{ "message": "Content not found" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Update a specific content by its ID.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Request Body:
{ "content_tag": "boolean" }
- Responses:
200 OK
: Content updated successfully.{ "message": "Content updated successfully", "content": { "id": "integer", "content_path": "string", "content_tag": "boolean" } }
404 Not Found
: Content not found.{ "message": "Content not found" }
500 Internal Server Error
: Error updating content.{ "message": "Error updating content" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Delete a specific content by its ID.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Content deleted successfully.{ "message": "Content deleted successfully" }
404 Not Found
: Content not found.{ "message": "Content not found" }
500 Internal Server Error
: Error deleting content.{ "message": "Error deleting content" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Download a specific content file by its ID.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the content file.404 Not Found
: Content or file not found.{ "message": "Content not found" }
{ "message": "File not found" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Get the list of allowed file extensions for content uploads.
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the list of allowed extensions.{ "allowed_extensions": ["string"] }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Search for files based on a query.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Request Body:
{ "query": "string" }
- Responses:
201 Created
: Search completed successfully.{ "message": "Search completed successfully", "query_id": "integer", "results": [ { "content_id": "integer", "similarity_score": "float" } ] }
400 Bad Request
: Query text is required.{ "message": "Query text is required" }
500 Internal Server Error
: Error creating embedding for query.{ "message": "Error creating embedding for query" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Get the search query history for the authenticated user.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns a list of queries.[ { "id": "integer", "text": "string", "timestamp": "string" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Get the search results history for a specific query.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the query details and search results.{ "query": { "id": "integer", "text": "string", "timestamp": "string" }, "results": [ { "content_id": "integer", "similarity_score": "float", "retrieved_at": "string" } ] }
404 Not Found
: Query not found.{ "message": "Query not found" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Delete a specific query by its ID.
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Responses:
200 OK
: Query deleted successfully.{ "message": "Query deleted successfully" }
404 Not Found
: Query not found.{ "message": "Query not found" }