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Fix a bug related to git conflict markers in existing .cabal files
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 When a `.cabal` file was essentially unchanged, but contained git
 conflict markers then `hpack` did not write a new `.cabal` file at
 all.  To address this `hpack` now unconditionally writes a new `.cabal`
 file when the existing `.cabal` file contains any git conflict markers.
  • Loading branch information
sol committed Aug 4, 2023
1 parent 9a06b4c commit 7601200
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Showing 11 changed files with 135 additions and 41 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
## Changes in 0.36.0
- When an existing `.cabal` does not align fields then do not align fields in
the generated `.cabal` file.

- Fix a bug related to git conflict markers in existing `.cabal` files: When a
`.cabal` file was essentially unchanged, but contained git conflict markers
then `hpack` did not write a new `.cabal` file at all. To address this
`hpack` now unconditionally writes a new `.cabal` file when the existing
`.cabal` file contains any git conflict markers.

## Changes in 0.35.2
- Add support for `ghc-shared-options`

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions hie.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
component: hpack:test:spec
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hpack.cabal

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ name: hpack
version: 0.35.3
synopsis: A modern format for Haskell packages
description: See README at <>
author: Simon Hengel <[email protected]>
maintainer: Simon Hengel <[email protected]>
github: sol/hpack
category: Development
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31 changes: 17 additions & 14 deletions src/Hpack.hs
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Expand Up @@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ printResult verbose r = do
printWarnings :: [String] -> IO ()
printWarnings = mapM_ $ Utf8.hPutStrLn stderr . ("WARNING: " ++)

mkStatus :: CabalFile -> CabalFile -> Status
mkStatus new@(CabalFile _ mNewVersion mNewHash _) existing@(CabalFile _ mExistingVersion _ _)
mkStatus :: NewCabalFile -> ExistingCabalFile -> Status
mkStatus new@(CabalFile _ mNewVersion mNewHash _ _) existing@(CabalFile _ mExistingVersion _ _ _)
| new `hasSameContent` existing = OutputUnchanged
| otherwise = case mExistingVersion of
Nothing -> ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually
Expand All @@ -216,16 +216,19 @@ mkStatus new@(CabalFile _ mNewVersion mNewHash _) existing@(CabalFile _ mExistin
| isJust mNewHash && hashMismatch existing -> ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually
| otherwise -> Generated

hasSameContent :: CabalFile -> CabalFile -> Bool
hasSameContent (CabalFile cabalVersionA _ _ a) (CabalFile cabalVersionB _ _ b) = cabalVersionA == cabalVersionB && a == b
hasSameContent :: NewCabalFile -> ExistingCabalFile -> Bool
hasSameContent (CabalFile cabalVersionA _ _ a ()) (CabalFile cabalVersionB _ _ b gitConflictMarkers) =
cabalVersionA == cabalVersionB
&& a == b
&& gitConflictMarkers == DoesNotHaveGitConflictMarkers

hashMismatch :: CabalFile -> Bool
hashMismatch :: ExistingCabalFile -> Bool
hashMismatch cabalFile = case cabalFileHash cabalFile of
Nothing -> False
Just hash -> hash /= calculateHash cabalFile
Just hash -> cabalFileGitConflictMarkers cabalFile == HasGitConflictMarkers || hash /= calculateHash cabalFile

calculateHash :: CabalFile -> Hash
calculateHash (CabalFile cabalVersion _ _ body) = sha256 (unlines $ cabalVersion ++ body)
calculateHash :: CabalFile a -> Hash
calculateHash (CabalFile cabalVersion _ _ body _) = sha256 (unlines $ cabalVersion ++ body)

hpackResult :: Options -> IO Result
hpackResult opts = hpackResultWithError opts >>= either (die . formatHpackError programName) return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,24 +261,24 @@ hpackResultWithVersion v (Options options force generateHashStrategy toStdout) =
Left err -> return $ Left err

writeCabalFile :: DecodeOptions -> Bool -> FilePath -> CabalFile -> IO ()
writeCabalFile :: DecodeOptions -> Bool -> FilePath -> NewCabalFile -> IO ()
writeCabalFile options toStdout name cabalFile = do
write . unlines $ renderCabalFile (decodeOptionsTarget options) cabalFile
write = if toStdout then Utf8.putStr else Utf8.writeFile name

makeCabalFile :: GenerateHashStrategy -> Maybe CabalFile -> [String] -> Version -> Package -> CabalFile
makeCabalFile :: GenerateHashStrategy -> Maybe ExistingCabalFile -> [String] -> Version -> Package -> NewCabalFile
makeCabalFile strategy mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg = cabalFile
cabalFile = CabalFile cabalVersion (Just v) hash body
cabalFile = CabalFile cabalVersion (Just v) hash body ()

| shouldGenerateHash mExistingCabalFile strategy = Just $ calculateHash cabalFile
| otherwise = Nothing

body = lines $ renderPackage (maybe [] cabalFileContents mExistingCabalFile) pkg

shouldGenerateHash :: Maybe CabalFile -> GenerateHashStrategy -> Bool
shouldGenerateHash :: Maybe ExistingCabalFile -> GenerateHashStrategy -> Bool
shouldGenerateHash mExistingCabalFile strategy = case (strategy, mExistingCabalFile) of
(ForceHash, _) -> True
(ForceNoHash, _) -> False
Expand All @@ -284,5 +287,5 @@ shouldGenerateHash mExistingCabalFile strategy = case (strategy, mExistingCabalF
(_, Just CabalFile {cabalFileHash = Nothing}) -> False
(_, Just CabalFile {cabalFileHash = Just _}) -> True

renderCabalFile :: FilePath -> CabalFile -> [String]
renderCabalFile file (CabalFile cabalVersion hpackVersion hash body) = cabalVersion ++ header file hpackVersion hash ++ body
renderCabalFile :: FilePath -> NewCabalFile -> [String]
renderCabalFile file (CabalFile cabalVersion hpackVersion hash body _) = cabalVersion ++ header file hpackVersion hash ++ body
54 changes: 40 additions & 14 deletions src/Hpack/CabalFile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hpack.CabalFile where
module Hpack.CabalFile (
, GitConflictMarkers(..)
, ExistingCabalFile
, NewCabalFile
, readCabalFile
, parseVersion
#ifdef TEST
, extractVersion
, removeGitConflictMarkers
) where

import Imports

Expand All @@ -12,28 +24,42 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

import Hpack.Util

makeVersion :: [Int] -> Version
makeVersion v = Version v []

data CabalFile = CabalFile {
data CabalFile a = CabalFile {
cabalFileCabalVersion :: [String]
, cabalFileHpackVersion :: Maybe Version
, cabalFileHash :: Maybe Hash
, cabalFileContents :: [String]
, cabalFileGitConflictMarkers :: a
} deriving (Eq, Show)

readCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe CabalFile)
readCabalFile cabalFile = fmap parse <$> tryReadFile cabalFile
data GitConflictMarkers = HasGitConflictMarkers | DoesNotHaveGitConflictMarkers
deriving (Show, Eq)

type ExistingCabalFile = CabalFile GitConflictMarkers
type NewCabalFile = CabalFile ()

readCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe ExistingCabalFile)
readCabalFile cabalFile = fmap parseCabalFile <$> tryReadFile cabalFile

parseCabalFile :: String -> ExistingCabalFile
parseCabalFile (lines -> input) = case span isComment <$> span (not . isComment) clean of
(cabalVersion, (header, body)) -> CabalFile {
cabalFileCabalVersion = cabalVersion
, cabalFileHpackVersion = extractVersion header
, cabalFileHash = extractHash header
, cabalFileContents = dropWhile null body
, cabalFileGitConflictMarkers = gitConflictMarkers
parse :: String -> CabalFile
parse (splitHeader -> (cabalVersion, h, c)) = CabalFile cabalVersion (extractVersion h) (extractHash h) c
clean :: [String]
clean = removeGitConflictMarkers input

splitHeader :: String -> ([String], [String], [String])
splitHeader (removeGitConflictMarkers . lines -> c) =
case span (not . isComment) c of
(cabalVersion, xs) -> case span isComment xs of
(header, body) -> (cabalVersion, header, dropWhile null body)
gitConflictMarkers :: GitConflictMarkers
| input == clean = DoesNotHaveGitConflictMarkers
| otherwise = HasGitConflictMarkers

isComment :: String -> Bool
isComment = ("--" `isPrefixOf`)

extractHash :: [String] -> Maybe Hash
Expand Down
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions src/Hpack/Render/Hints.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,16 +68,31 @@ unindent input = map (drop indentation) input
indentation = minimum $ map (length . takeWhile isSpace) input

data Indentation = Indentation {
indentationFieldNameLength :: Int
, indentationPadding :: Int

indentationTotal :: Indentation -> Int
indentationTotal (Indentation fieldName padding) = fieldName + padding

sniffAlignment :: [String] -> Maybe Alignment
sniffAlignment input = case nub . catMaybes . map indentation . catMaybes . map splitField $ input of
[n] -> Just (Alignment n)
_ -> Nothing
sniffAlignment input
| all (indentationPadding >>> (== 1)) indentations = Just 0
| otherwise = case nub (map indentationTotal indentations) of
[n] -> Just (Alignment n)
_ -> Nothing
indentations :: [Indentation]
indentations = catMaybes . map (splitField >=> indentation) $ input

indentation :: (String, String) -> Maybe Int
indentation :: (String, String) -> Maybe Indentation
indentation (name, value) = case span isSpace value of
(_, "") -> Nothing
(xs, _) -> (Just . succ . length $ name ++ xs)
(padding, _) -> Just Indentation {
indentationFieldNameLength = succ $ length name
, indentationPadding = length padding

splitField :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
splitField field = case span isNameChar field of
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/Helper.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Helper (
, module System.FilePath
, withCurrentDirectory
, yaml
, makeVersion
) where

import Imports
Expand All @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import Test.Hspec
import Test.Mockery.Directory
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Version (Version(..))
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory, canonicalizePath)
import Control.Exception
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp
Expand All @@ -44,3 +46,6 @@ withTempDirectory action = Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "hspec" $ \dir -> do

yaml :: Language.Haskell.TH.Quote.QuasiQuoter
yaml = yamlQQ

makeVersion :: [Int] -> Version
makeVersion v = Version v []
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/Hpack/CabalFileSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ spec = do
it "includes hash" $ do
inTempDirectory $ do
writeFile file $ mkHeader "package.yaml" version hash
readCabalFile file `shouldReturn` Just (CabalFile [] (Just version) (Just hash) [])
readCabalFile file `shouldReturn` Just (CabalFile [] (Just version) (Just hash) [] DoesNotHaveGitConflictMarkers)

it "accepts cabal-version at the beginning of the file" $ do
inTempDirectory $ do
writeFile file $ ("cabal-version: 2.2\n" ++ mkHeader "package.yaml" version hash)
readCabalFile file `shouldReturn` Just (CabalFile ["cabal-version: 2.2"] (Just version) (Just hash) [])
readCabalFile file `shouldReturn` Just (CabalFile ["cabal-version: 2.2"] (Just version) (Just hash) [] DoesNotHaveGitConflictMarkers)

describe "extractVersion" $ do
it "extracts Hpack version from a cabal file" $ do
Expand Down
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions test/Hpack/Render/HintsSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ spec = do
describe "extractFieldOrder" $ do
it "extracts field order hints" $ do
let input = [
"name: cabalize"
"name: hpack"
, "version: 0.0.0"
, "license:"
, "license-file: "
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ spec = do
describe "extractSectionsFieldOrder" $ do
it "splits input into sections" $ do
let input = [
"name: cabalize"
"name: hpack"
, "version: 0.0.0"
, ""
, "library"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ spec = do
describe "sniffAlignment" $ do
it "sniffs field alignment from given cabal file" $ do
let input = [
"name: cabalize"
"name: hpack"
, "version: 0.0.0"
, "license: MIT"
, "license-file: LICENSE"
Expand All @@ -98,14 +98,25 @@ spec = do

it "ignores fields without a value on the same line" $ do
let input = [
"name: cabalize"
"name: hpack"
, "version: 0.0.0"
, "description: "
, " foo"
, " bar"
sniffAlignment input `shouldBe` Just 16

context "when all fields are padded with exactly one space" $ do
it "returns 0" $ do
let input = [
"name: hpack"
, "version: 0.0.0"
, "license: MIT"
, "license-file: LICENSE"
, "build-type: Simple"
sniffAlignment input `shouldBe` Just 0

describe "splitField" $ do
it "splits fields" $ do
splitField "foo: bar" `shouldBe` Just ("foo", " bar")
Expand Down
23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions test/HpackSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Hpack.Config
import Hpack.CabalFile
import Hpack.Error (formatHpackError)
import Hpack hiding (hpack)
import Hpack

readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
readFile name = Prelude.readFile name >>= (return $!!)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ spec = do
it "is inverse to readCabalFile" $ do
expected <- lines <$> readFile "resources/test/hpack.cabal"
Just c <- readCabalFile "resources/test/hpack.cabal"
renderCabalFile "package.yaml" c `shouldBe` expected
renderCabalFile "package.yaml" c {cabalFileGitConflictMarkers = ()} `shouldBe` expected

describe "hpackResult" $ around_ inTempDirectory $ before_ (writeFile packageConfig "name: foo") $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,3 +155,22 @@ spec = do
old <- readFile file
hpackWithVersion [0,20,0] `shouldReturn` outputUnchanged
readFile file `shouldReturn` old

context "with git conflict markers" $ do
context "when the new and the existing .cabal file are essentially the same" $ do
it "still removes the conflict markers" $ do
hpack NoVerbose defaultOptions
old <- readFile file
modified :: String
modified = unlines $ case break (== "version: 0.0.0") $ lines old of
(xs, v : ys) -> xs ++
"<<<<<<< ours" :
v :
"=======" :
"version: 0.1.0" :
">>>>>>> theirs" : ys
_ -> undefined
writeFile file modified
hpack NoVerbose defaultOptions
readFile file `shouldReturn` old

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