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Phoenix authentication with Ueberauth and Guardian

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Getting Started with Guardian

Getting started with Guardian is easy. This tutorial will cover

  • Setting up the basics of Guardian
  • HTTP integration
  • Login/Logout

We'll use Phoenix for this tutorial since most folks will be using it. There is no requirement to use Phoenix with Guardian but it makes this tutorial easier.

This tutorial was based on this article by Tyler Pachal.

We'll also use the default token type of JWT. Again with this you don't have to use JWT for your token backend. See the token documentation for more information.

Authentication consists of a challenge phase (prove who you are) and then followed by a verification phase (has this actor proven who they are?). Guardian looks after the second part for you. It's up to your application to implement the challenge phase after which Guardian will do the rest. In this tutorial we'll use comeonin with argon2 for the challenge phase.

Let's generate an application.

$ mix auth_me

Specify your dependencies

You'll need to update the dependencies to whatever is latest.

## mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:guardian, "~> 1.2"},
    {:argon2_elixir, "~> 2.0"},

Create a user manager

We'll need something to authenticate. How Users are created and what they can do is outside the scope of this tutorial. If you already have a user model you can skip this part.

$ mix phx.gen.context UserManager User users username:string:unique email:string:unique password:string

Create implementation module

Guardian needs an implementation. This implementation module encapsulates:

  • Token type
  • Configuration
  • Encoding/Decoding
  • Callbacks

For more information please reference the implementation module docs.

You can have as many implementation modules as you need to depending on your application. For this one though we only have a simple user system so we'll only need one.

## lib/auth_me/user_manager/guardian.ex

defmodule AuthMe.UserManager.Guardian do
  use Guardian, otp_app: :auth_me

  alias AuthMe.UserManager

  def subject_for_token(user, _claims) do
    {:ok, to_string(}

  def resource_from_claims(%{"sub" => id}) do
    case UserManager.get_user!(id) do
      nil -> {:error, :resource_not_found}
      user -> {:ok, user}

subject_for_token and resource_from_claims are inverses of one another. subject_for_token is used to encode the resource into the token, and resource_from_claims is used to rehydrate the resource from the claims.

There are many other callbacks that you can use, but we're going basic.

Setup Guardian config

To use the JWT token type, we'll need a secret. We'll use the HS512 algorithm which is a simple hashing algorithm. The most basic configuration is very straight forward.

The secret can be any string but it's recommended that you use the generator provided with Guardian for this.

$ mix guardian.gen.secret

Copy the output from the previous command and add it to your configuration.

## config/config.exs
config :auth_me, AuthMe.UserManager.Guardian,
  issuer: "auth_me",
  secret_key: "" # put the result of the mix command above here

You should change the secret key for each environment and manage them with your secret management strategy.

Password hashing

This too is not strictly required for Guardian. If you already have a way for you to verify user/password for your user model you can skip this part.

We'll implement a simple version of password hashing for this tutorial. This is up to your application and is only shown here for example purposes.

We added :argon2_elixir to our mix deps at the start. We're going to use it in two places.

  1. When setting the password for the user
  2. When verifying the login credentials
## lib/auth_me/user_manager/user.ex
alias Argon2
alias AuthMe.UserManager.User

def changeset(%User{} = user, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:username, :email, :password])
  |> validate_required([:username, :email, :password])
  |> unique_constraint(:username)
  |> unique_constraint(:email)
  |> put_password_hash()

defp put_password_hash(%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true, changes: %{password: password}} = changeset) do
  change(changeset, password: Argon2.hash_pwd_salt(password))

defp put_password_hash(changeset), do: changeset

Now we need a way to verify the username/password credentials.

## lib/auth_me/user_manager.ex
alias Argon2


def authenticate_user(username, plain_text_password) do
  query = from u in User, where: u.username == ^username
  case do
    nil ->
      {:error, :invalid_credentials}
    user ->
      if Argon2.verify_pass(plain_text_password, user.password) do
        {:ok, user}
        {:error, :invalid_credentials}

At this point, the autogenerated tests when we first created the UserManager and User (if you followed this guide to the letter) would fail when you run mix test. This is due to the fact that the autogenerated tests don't know about passwords - all it knows is your Users table has two string columns that it needs to check.

Fixing the broken tests is simple: we want to compare the encrypted passwords instead of plain text ones.

## test/auth_me/user_manager_test.exs


test "create_user/1 with valid data creates a user" do
  assert {:ok, %User{} = user} = UserManager.create_user(@valid_attrs)
  assert == "some email"
  assert user.username == "some username"
  assert {:ok, user} == Argon2.check_pass(user, "some password", hash_key: :password)


test "update_user/2 with valid data updates the user" do
  user = user_fixture()
  assert {:ok, %User{} = user} = UserManager.update_user(user, @update_attrs)
  assert == "some updated email"
  assert user.username == "some updated username"
  assert {:ok, user} == Argon2.check_pass(user, "some updated password", hash_key: :password)

That's it for Guardian setup. We had some User setup in there too that was unrelated but if you don't have a user model it will help you get started.

The next step is getting it into your application via HTTP.


For HTTP Guardian makes use of the Plug architecture and uses it to construct pipelines. The pipeline provides downstream plugs with the implementation module and the error handler that the Guardian plugs require to do their job.

Please read the pipeline guide for more information.

We want our pipeline to look after session and header authentication (where to look for the token), load the resource but not enforce it. By not enforcing it we can have a "logged in" or "maybe logged in". We can use the Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated plug for those cases where we must have a logged in resource by using Phoenix pipelines in the router.

## lib/auth_me/user_manager/pipeline.ex

defmodule AuthMe.UserManager.Pipeline do
  use Guardian.Plug.Pipeline,
    otp_app: :auth_me,
    error_handler: AuthMe.UserManager.ErrorHandler,
    module: AuthMe.UserManager.Guardian

  # If there is a session token, restrict it to an access token and validate it
  plug Guardian.Plug.VerifySession, claims: %{"typ" => "access"}
  # If there is an authorization header, restrict it to an access token and validate it
  plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, claims: %{"typ" => "access"}
  # Load the user if either of the verifications worked
  plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource, allow_blank: true

We'll also need the error handler referenced in our pipeline to handle the case where there was a failure to authenticate.

## lib/auth_me/user_manager/error_handler.ex

defmodule AuthMe.UserManager.ErrorHandler do
  import Plug.Conn

  @behaviour Guardian.Plug.ErrorHandler

  @impl Guardian.Plug.ErrorHandler
  def auth_error(conn, {type, _reason}, _opts) do
    body = to_string(type)
    |> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
    |> send_resp(401, body)


This pipeline is now ready for us to use. Now we need some way to login/logout the user and some resource to protect. For this we'll create a sessions controller, and use the PageController for our protected resource

## lib/auth_me_web/controllers/session_controller.ex

defmodule AuthMeWeb.SessionController do
  use AuthMeWeb, :controller

  alias AuthMe.{UserManager, UserManager.User, UserManager.Guardian}

  def new(conn, _) do
    changeset = UserManager.change_user(%User{})
    maybe_user = Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn)
    if maybe_user do
      redirect(conn, to: "/protected")
      render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset, action: Routes.session_path(conn, :login))

  def login(conn, %{"user" => %{"username" => username, "password" => password}}) do
    UserManager.authenticate_user(username, password)
    |> login_reply(conn)

  def logout(conn, _) do
    |> Guardian.Plug.sign_out()
    |> redirect(to: "/login")

  defp login_reply({:ok, user}, conn) do
    |> put_flash(:info, "Welcome back!")
    |> Guardian.Plug.sign_in(user)
    |> redirect(to: "/protected")

  defp login_reply({:error, reason}, conn) do
    |> put_flash(:error, to_string(reason))
    |> new(%{})

Create a session view

## lib/auth_me_web/views/session_view.ex

defmodule AuthMeWeb.SessionView do
  use AuthMeWeb, :view

And for the login template and secret template:

## lib/auth_me_web/templates/session/new.html.eex

<h2>Login Page</h2>

<%= form_for @changeset, @action, fn f -> %>

  <div class="form-group">
    <%= label f, :username, class: "control-label" %>
    <%= text_input f, :username, class: "form-control" %>
    <%= error_tag f, :username %>

  <div class="form-group">
    <%= label f, :password, class: "control-label" %>
    <%= password_input f, :password, class: "form-control" %>
    <%= error_tag f, :password %>

  <div class="form-group">
    <%= submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>

Lets make the protected resource implementation.

## lib/auth_me_web/controllers/page_controller.ex

defmodule AuthMeWeb.PageController do
  use AuthMeWeb, :controller

  def index(conn, _params) do
    render(conn, "index.html")

  def protected(conn, _) do
    user = Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn)
    render(conn, "protected.html", current_user: user)


We use the Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn) function here to fetch the resource. You must load this first using the Guardian.Plug.LoadResource plug which we included in our auth pipeline earlier.

## lib/auth_me_web/templates/page/protected.html.eex
<h2>Protected Page</h2>
<p>You can only see this page if you are logged in</p>
<p>You're logged in as <%= @current_user.username %></p>


Ok. So the controller and views are not strictly part of Guardian but we need some way to interact with it. From here the only thing left for us to do is to wire up our router.

## lib/auth_me_web/router.ex

# Our pipeline implements "maybe" authenticated. We'll use the `:ensure_auth` below for when we need to make sure someone is logged in.
pipeline :auth do
  plug AuthMe.UserManager.Pipeline

# We use ensure_auth to fail if there is no one logged in
pipeline :ensure_auth do
  plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated

# Maybe logged in routes
scope "/", AuthMeWeb do
  pipe_through [:browser, :auth]

  get "/", PageController, :index

  get "/login", SessionController, :new
  post "/login", SessionController, :login
  get "/logout", SessionController, :logout

# Definitely logged in scope
scope "/", AuthMeWeb do
  pipe_through [:browser, :auth, :ensure_auth]

  get "/protected", PageController, :protected

There's a little bit happening here.

  1. We created a Phoenix pipeline that just delegates to our Guardian pipeline to login someone if we find a token in the session or header. This does not restrict access.
  2. We restrict access using both our :auth and :ensure_auth phoenix pipelines and use that to protect our protected route.

Note that you must use the :auth pipeline before the :ensure_auth one to make sure that we have fetched and verified the token. We're also loading the resource but that is not required for ensure auth.

Try it out

Migrate your users table.

mix ecto.migrate

Since we didn't implement a form for creating a user we'll need to do that from the command line. Open up iex

iex -S mix

Create the user:

AuthMe.UserManager.create_user(%{username: "me", email: "[email protected]", password: "secret"})

Now exit and start up your server:

mix phx.server

Open up localhost:4000/login and you should be able to login with your me secret credentials!


Phoenix authentication with Ueberauth and Guardian






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