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493 lines (346 loc) · 28.4 KB

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493 lines (346 loc) · 28.4 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
GraphUserGroupAssociationsList Get /usergroups/{group_id}/associations List the associations of a User Group.
GraphUserGroupAssociationsPost Post /usergroups/{group_id}/associations Manage the associations of a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory Get /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories List the Active Directories bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseApplication Get /usergroups/{group_id}/applications List the Applications bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseDirectory Get /usergroups/{group_id}/directories List the Directories bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseGSuite Get /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer Get /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseOffice365 Get /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer Get /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseSystem Get /usergroups/{group_id}/systems List the Systems bound to a User Group
GraphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup Get /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups List the System Groups bound to User Groups


[]GraphConnection GraphUserGroupAssociationsList(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, targets, optional) List the associations of a User Group.

This endpoint returns the direct associations of this User Group. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example User Groups and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/associations?targets=system \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
targets []string
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
targets []string
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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GraphUserGroupAssociationsPost(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a User Group

This endpoint manages the direct associations of this User Group. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example User Groups and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{GroupID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"system\", \"id\": \"{SystemID}\" }'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
body UserGroupGraphManagementReq
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Active Directories bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all Active Directory Instances bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Active Directory; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Active Directory from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/activedirectories \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseApplication(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Applications bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all Applications bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Application; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Application from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/applications \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseDirectory(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Directories bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all Directories bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Directory; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Directories from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/directories \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseGSuite(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all G Suite Instances bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding G Suite instance; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the G Suite instance from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID/gsuites \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all LDAP Servers bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding LDAP Server; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the LDAP Server from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/ldapservers \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseOffice365(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all Office 365 instances bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Office 365 instance; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Office 365 instance from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/office365s \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all RADIUS servers bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding RADIUS Server; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the RADIUS Server from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/radiusservers \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseSystem(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Systems bound to a User Group

This endpoint will return all Systems bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding System; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/systems \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Groups bound to User Groups

This endpoint will return all System Groups bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding System Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System Group from this User Group. See /members and /associations endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/systemgroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc.
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
optional map[string]interface{} optional parameters nil if no parameters

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.

Name Type Description Notes
groupId string ObjectID of the User Group.
contentType string [default to application/json]
accept string [default to application/json]
limit int32 The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. [default to 10]
skip int32 The offset into the records to return. [default to 0]
xOrgId string [default to ]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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