- Microsoft CLA
- Adobe CLA
- Sphinx Logic CLA
- Build Lab --with Microsoft Employees
- Hal 9000 explains the future of humanity
- The Best Operating System Microsoft Never Released (Longhorn Overview)
- Quantum Physics and the Existence of God
- Formalization, Mechanization and Automation of Gödel's Proof of God's Existence
According to Andrew Tanumbuam top down Operating System design is best, bottom up is more practical.
- The People Vs the Board Of Educatiopn
- Partners in Crime: An Empirical Investigation of the CIA
- MIT OpenCourseWare Mirror Program
- Does the Soul Exist? Evidence Says ‘Yes’
- Poetry as the building blocks of engineering
- MINX 3
- MIT Open Courseware Mirror Site Program
- My Biography -- Work in Progress
- My Google Scholar
- My Goodreads
- Future Timeline
- The Supreme Court pared down a controversial anti-hacking law
- Progress
- The Pope Would Like You to Accept Evolution and the Big Bang
- The philosophical understanding of schizophrenia
macOS releases should be fetched by Darwinbuild and have build numbers.
- Macintosh Garden Operating Systems
- Apple System and Seeds
- Apple Aqua UI
- macOS Forge
- Apple Open Source
- Apple Mac OS 9.2.1 Internal Edition
- Sheep Shaver
- Basilisk II
To Compete with my Compnay you must own 15% of Microsoft or have a Microsoft Tender Offer per Coompetion Law.
- Microsoft Expands Commitment to Open Standards and Interoperability
- Microsoft says it will not enforce non-compete clauses in U.S. employee agreements
- Windows Source Code at Microsoft Research
- Windows Research Kernal
- .NET Framework Reference Source
Foundation of Flash Builder
I started in 1982 with a TRS-80 Computer Limited Edtion one of a kind and Microsoft XEINX and TR-DOS, I've beed Sleepless in Seattle since 1992 and Singles the Movie