Let's save our settings for a better future.
- Neovim
- Vim
- Visual Studio Code
- Sublime Text
- Alacritty
Repository Path | Destination on Your Computer |
User/.eslintrc.json | ~/.eslintrc.json |
User/.tmux.conf | ~/.tmux.conf |
User/.tmux.conf.tmux28macOS | /User/yourusername/.tmux.conf |
User/.config/nvim | ~/.config/nvim |
User/.config/alacritty | ~/.config/alacritty |
User/.config/bat/config | ~/.config/bat/config |
User/.vim | ~/.vim |
User/.vimrc | ~/.vimrc |
User/pbin/z.sh | ~/pbin/z.sh |
User/Sublime/User/Preferences.sublime-settings | ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings |
- ~/.config/nvim/snippets
- ~/.nvim/backup
- ~/.nvim/swap
- ~/.nvim/undo
mkdir -p ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
mkdir -p ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect
Install NeoVim nightly version: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/tag/nightly
Start NeoVim with nvim
, then run:
If you get CoC errors about a frozen lock file, then run the yarn install manually:
cd /Users/yourusername/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
# Install eslint for nvim coc-eslint
npm i -g eslint
# Install Python virtualenv
pip3 install neovim
# Install Neovim Python module
pip3 install pynvim
# Install NodeJS provider
npm i -g neovim
# Install ripgrep on macOS
# Ubuntu instructions are here:
# https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep#installation
brew install ripgrep
# Install FZF on Linux
# Fuzzy auto-completion and Neovim plugin installed automatically it seems
sudo apt install fzf
# FZF on macOS
brew install fzf
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
# Run ":checkhealth" inside Neovim
# Run ":UpdateRemotePlugins" inside Neovim for Denite
# Install x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc compiler, needed for pylint
sudo apt install python3-dev
# Install elevated linter for Neovim virtual environment
sudo pip3 install pylint
Make sure the terminal emulator is using a font that has an italic weight, for example:
Hack Nerd Font
:font: normal: family: Hack Nerd Font
Make sure these lines are in
" Italicize inline comments, set after colorscheme and one#highlight
highlight Comment cterm=italic gui=italic
" Italicize whole line comments
highlight vimLineComment cterm=italic gui=italic
- Create the new terminfo files and compile them as listed in:
- Configure iTerm settings as listed in the
of Step 1 - Make sure these lines are in
# 256 color, true color, and italics modes
set -g default-terminal 'tmux-256color' # Use screen colors inside Tmux
set -as terminal-overrides ',xterm*:Tc:sitm=\E[3m' # Enable true colors, italics
Encountering strange issues with missing dynamic libraries? Try these techniques.
# Upgrade Xcode to latest version
# Update brew
brew update
brew upgrade
brew doctor